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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Here is batman,continuing what i like to call "The extreme black and white series". Notice that the cape is missing,i am working on that.Its going to be all white son that the black and white contrast really works





    Ps: Hey gen,i miss our chats too,but i had to uninstall yahoo Msn,it was messing my computer :icon_cry: .

    And i will pick a pic from the show your face thread and give it a try

  2. I dont really do portraits Gen,actually i have never tried.

    I have done cartoons of a bunch of friends and they turned out pretty good.I guess i could try doing one more realistic if i have a good picture of the person in question....but i dont guarantee it will look like the person :)

  3. well, i just finished celebrating ny birthdat and i am curently satisfiying my pos-weed smoking hunger.It was an ok night.It didnt go exactly as i have planned,but what the hell...i had a decent time.


    I´ll post drunken pics tomorrow as soon as i get up,wich will probably be around 3 or 4 in the afternoon,so...see you guys then!!

  4. I agree.Ilove the way mina manages to capture johns character,in a depper level(the whole junkie attitude) and seeing john not wanting to use magic reminds me of great issues like "counting to ten" or the family man saga..But i cant help getting the feeling that the story is going a bit slow.Its two more issues left to the end of empathy is the enemy and still we havent seen john doing something john constantine would do.

  5. me and my cousin



    me and the woman who gave birth to me



    and me blowingthe candle(no jokes please)



    Now I see!


    Your "fat dad" looks very friendly.


    Nice photos.



    he is very friendly indeed...he makes home-made wine,so he has to be friendly,hehee

  6. ok,here are some pics of today´s birthday celebration with the family


    this is me with the woman who gave birth to me and has had to put up with me for the last 21 years...i like to call her "mom"




    Here you have me blowing tje candle(and i dont want any jokes about me "blowing the candle".Ok mick???)

    right there with me we have my 6 year old cousin and my fat dad



    And here i am with my cousin(father to the little girl in the pic above this one),actually i have like a 100 of pics like this.Its kind of a tradition him and me have,we take a picture like this,withone of us holding a bottle of wine,every single time the family gets together.


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