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Posts posted by Jon

  1. i had dinner with the family in honor of fathers day on thursday.See,mom and dad go to our country house on weekends,and me and my brother didnt really felt like going all the way to the country on sunday,so we had dinner on thursday instead....How crappy of a son am i?????

  2. you know what i just realized!!!!...i got a new job,so when i get paid next month i am going to be able to pick up some comics in paper!!!!1....i havent bought a comic book in paper for about 8 years!!!!!!!

  3. On top of Pooka's recommendations I'd add


    Gotham Central Excellent stuff involving the Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department. The best of the Batman related books and it barely features Batman, it's a shame it ended at issue 40.


    Grant Morrison's WE3 and The Filth and possibly The Invisibles but that is a more major undertaking to read all those issues and you might want to test the waters with the other two first.


    Plus can I reiterate that you read Top Ten and Starman both are fantastic stuff.


    WE3 Was the one about the dog,the cat and the rabbit in mecha suits???

  4. ok, i read Hb...so far so good,but apart from that i dont read a lot of comics(except for the ocassional batman or jla that someone tells me i should read) soooooo,tell me what comics i should chekc out,you know more tha i do.


    Ps: dont bother with preacher cause i´ve read it or sandman,cause i know i HAVE to read it

  5. I like his work too.. and not because he's argentinian.. well, may be that too.


    and yes,maybe him being argentinian scored some point.But still, manco is also argentinian and i still like frusin´s art better




  6. oK, he drifted away from the character and forgot how to draw by the end of his run(I say atthe end of HIS run because we always give credit for a "run" to the writer, but the artist is as important as the writer) but his work on telling tales is fuckin amazing, i remember it was the second issue of HB i ever read and i was fucking amazed by seeing the image of John sitting in a pub all covered in smoke...it fucking captured the mood of the character(despite the psicho smile)

  7. well,i got a job!!!!!


    Its in a small advertising agency,as a copywriter.This job is so god damn fun,mainly because baing a small agency with crappy acounts,theres is not a lot of work for me except for writing a few cppys,but mainly correcting other peoples writing.

    But the really fun part is that nobody there takes this job seriously, most of them spend their days drinking fernet and burning things in a stove.

    I work 9 hours,7 of wich they have no work for me to do till something comes up,wich takes me about 30 minutes to do, and thats ir...i only work about 1 hour per day....AND THEY PAY ME!!!!!


    I am quite happy because its a really fun place to work and they pay me,so its perfect for me till something comes up in some big ad agency i am apliying to. :)

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