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Posts posted by Jon

  1. ANyway, i should clarify.

    Coralys, the just fof(for) guys tittle was just meant as a warning,because i knew some of the female members of the forum might have found the contents of my drunken ramblings a bit offensive...but i was not meant to determine wich forum members could or could not read the thread

  2. Hi guys,i have just woken up(surprisingly no hang over) and i was re-reading what i posted.You guys are right, i am embarassed of what i wrote now that i am sober.My most sincere apologies

  3. ok,i just thought i would share a funny anecdote that took place less than half an hour ago.

    I was out with two friends of mine,walk into our regular bar,after a few beers we sit on a table with three girls(not really preety girls,i guess they would be the equivalent to what americans call "white trash), we talk for a few minutes and before i noticed we where all making out with each other(not us guys,but the three of us were kind of taking turns making out with the three girls). We ended up at one of my friends place,each of one got hooked up with one of the three girls and distributed into different rooms in the house.So,i am making out with this girl(not very preety,but i was horny as hell),one thing leads to another,i do some magic with my fingers and my tounge,she starts doing her thing with her hand...so far,so good.The girl didnt really got my dick really erected,mainly because i wasnt very attracted to her...but i was getting there,so i start pulling her head down,triying to get her to blow me...when suddenly she stops and asks me if i had a condom,wich i didnt(i would like to state that i was not,under any sircumstance,going to have sex with her without protection.But apparently she didnt felt confortable sucking my dick without a condom).Ok,that said,here comes the funny part....i desparetely go out of the room triying to find where the hell my frioends where,to see if they had any condoms.So i knock on one of the doors,and one of my friends there(about to have sex) told me to go ask our other friend cause he was the one who happended to have the condoms.So i go to my other friend room,knock,ask him for condoms...he comes at me,totally pissed of cause he was about to have sex and says "dude,i hate you..i was about to have sex and first nacho(our other friend) comes asking for a condom,wich turned the girl i was with down,and now 10 minutes from that YOU COME ASKING FOR A CONDOM"..conclussion,the girl he was with felt ashamed by me knocking at the door and didnt want to have sex with my friend anymore,so she went to the room i was with with the other girl,who by the time i went back was allready dressed up ready to go home.


    At the time i didnt found it ti be funny at all,but now that the hornyness has weared down,i do :laugh:

  4. agreed.Pekerman is a fucking asshole,he should have changed riwuelme by the start of the second quarter,god,the guy couldnt even run,all he did was pass the ball back to the argentinian field.Second quarter was a disaster for argentina!!!

  5. well,the problem is this.I can draw batman,J.constantine or whatever character out there in a cool looking pose and it looks preety good.But if you ask me to draw..mmm....i dont know,lets say batman jumping out of the batmobil while moving,and throwing a batarang with a gotham city sreet as background, i am preety sure i would shoot myself triying to draw that.

    If i practiced as much as i should,eventually,i could start doing action secuences or story tellin,necessary in any kind of comic book.But atthe level i am in right now,i couldn do it :icon_cry:

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