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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Well, if he did truly leave because of the "Forum bullies", that's just too bad.


    If he didn't have a wish to seriously join any of the conversations here, there's no reason to join a Forum.


    Sure, we're loose-knit as far as rules and regulations. We side-track threads pretty easily. And, we love to act crazy and have fun.

    But, we all contribute to Forum threads also. We don't come onto a thread just to prove how different we are and say, "Hey! Look at me!".

    There's a time and place for craziness and stupidity, but all the threads all the time is not the time nor the place!



    you are empty inside!! :tongue:

  2. well,it happens sometimes....when you are really drunk,its hard to do things properly....so sometimes no matter how much you want to,you just cant come.So instead of being honest (just so that our manhood doesnt feel hurt),a man can pretend he has had an orgasm.

  3. i am not saying that azz´s run was bad or a bad place to start.Its just that if you read the other HB stories before getting to azz´s run you will find a different characterization of John

  4. Yeah, "Life During Wartime" takes place in a different dimension.

    Tim Hunter was hurled into this new dimension due to the events we see in "Staring at the Wall".


    Is Tim Hunter dead? We could only wish!



    are you sure he was thrown into that dimension due to the events in staring at the wall??.its been a while since i read life during wartime,but i am pretty sure that the dimension he was in was created by himself, because an alternate version of Constantine convinced him that he should hide so that the resident bad guys of his dimension (constantine´s dimension) wouldn find him.

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