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Posts posted by Jon

  1. But no one reads my stuff anyway. How do you think I managed to make over 6000 posts here without being kicked off by John McMahon yet?


    Either that or they all respect my god like powers and are afraid of facing the Wrath of Inca should they pcik up on my lack of punctuation.


    Or perhaps I chose not to use punctuation in that post so as to denote a stream of consciousness.



    that post of yours reminds me of an apocsol post....

  2. well dude,you could make a living out of figuring other peoples cursive.

    I dont know if you guys have the same problem, but here, doctor writing is awful...whenever they give you a recipe you have to spend at leas 30 minutes to figure out what medicine you are suposse to take.

  3. Yes, it was. He just happened to have a past history with a pre-existing character, who just happened to never be talked about or seen before by that pre-existing character.

    They were just cannon fodder characters Carey created to die horrible deaths while attempting to help "Bad-Luck" Johnny C.



    i am just triying to see if i got the concept of "retconning" right........would this be retconning??.


    PS: i am pretty sure i didnt get the concept right.

  4. who exactly are all those guys that john calls for help in staring at the wall, of course i recognize clarice and map...but what about the rest,nathan arcane,etc.I dont recall them from any previous arcs.

  5. actually i just realized by re-readin g my post that i forgot to add something...i agree that they shouldnt be trhown in the same prisions as rapists and other law ofenders, but the time and the severity of the punishment should be applied in the same way as an adult.


    And yes, i agree that there should be people willing to work with this kids so that one day they can rehabilitate.I was just adressing a different issue in my previous post.

  6. i have a question.At the end of the horrorist,what did exactly happened...it was pretty confusing,all those things john so while having "intercorse" with the horrorist,where those fragments of the horrorists life or was he just being connected to peoples suffering all over the world?

  7. "Books of MagicK:Life During War Time" was an abomination!

    It started out as a mini-series co-written by Neil Gaiman and Dean somebody or other....works for British TV, I think....

    Except Gaiman didn't want any part of it, apparently. First he dropped to co-plotter, then he dropped to executive producer, then assistant key grip and then was gone altogether.

    Vertigo made it an ongoing series that lasted for more issues than it deserved.


    I know. This wasn't as good as most of my usual answers....but I hated that series!



    I dont think it was that bad. A confusing and not very well told story? yeah,maybe...but still a pretty interesting one.

  8. i do agree that a minor should be treated as an adult. With 12 years old you know right from wrong, you are still inmature as hell but you do know that killing is just bad.


    Here in argentina you read how a 13 yeor old boy took a family hostage to steal their money every freaking week,and nothing happens to them....they go to a juvenile center for a time and they come out more fucked up than before.


    Will they probably blame it on his 23 year old boyfriend,most likely.They will say that he convienced her and blah blah blah...he probably did, but this kid took the decision to do it and i am pretty sure she knew what she was doing.So yeah, i think she should be judged as an adult.

  9. Oh dear, I appear to have caused even more trouble in leaving than being here.  I came back when I got a PM in me email, and now there are more theories than there were over what happened to Lord Lucan.  He got in my way by the way. 

          Anyway, thankyou to those who said nice stuff bout me, I haven't read the whole thread because I'm trying very hard not to stay!  I wasn't leaving because I was upset, or felt bullied, or blah de blah de blah, but because I was getting on people nerves, and my own.  See, normally I make more sense than on here, with my normal type of comment being sort of, once every conversation.  So it was as much that I got sick of me as everyone else did.  If I do come back, it'll be under this name still, and I'll probably be speaking more like this, with other stuff thrown in.


    Oh, and I saw the 'wacky' thing.  I don't try to be wacky, I'm just extrememly malnourished, and brought up on a diet of Ben&Jerry's.  I mean, I am wierd in general.  That was it.  Anyway, once I'm more stable, I hope to come back, and annoy the hell out of everyone once more.  Oh you'd better believe it's gonna happen...


    Edit:  And Mick isn't like me, he has a brain.  8-)


    i said nice things about you...now send me a present!!. well,seriously now...pooka was totally right with what she said and that should have put and end to this.If you dont like a thread,dont read it.If you dont like what someone else posts, dont answer to that post.I dont think aposcsol should change...he is WHAT he is.So if you dont like the guy,dont pay attention to the guy.


    And anyone who doesnt agrees with me can kiss my hairy ass.just kidding, love you all

  10. good point...but i dont know,the guy was harmless, he was just being funny(in his own way).I honestly dont think he disrupted the holy balance of this forum with his posts.I am pretty sure that a lot of people here dont like me because they think i am like apocsol.maybe i am,i am not triying to defend him,i only happen to think that some people here took the "situation" a bit too serious.

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