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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Never been in jail, thank the Gods.

    Lou, how does the pothead fraternity over there actually view the law in relation to its activities?


    I mean, over here, sure, we get paranoid about unexpected knocks at the door, and feel really shifty if we're out and about and see a copper, but when you get right down to it, you're pretty much safe from anything worse than confiscation unless you're actually dealing... but I'm given to understand that the US law is much more draconian about it, so I'm curious as to whether that translates into a different kind of weed culture in the States.


    well,i know you wanted to know how it is in the us, but you get how it is in argentina :p


    Here you never,ever worry about the cops knocking at your door.Never happened,never will...unless you are a known dealer,but for the standard pothead, thats not an issue.

    As for being spoted smoking in the street or being frisked and the cops found marihuana with you, not much would happen(as long as the quantity you have on you counts as "personal use"), the cops will hint you that for a reasonable amount of money they will just look the other way and voila,problem solved!

  2. Come on guys,dont be shy.Tell us your story about how you spent a night in a smelly cell.


    Here´s mine.Night out with a few "violent" acquantancies.Whe were at a disco, things got rough with a bunch of guys ( and not in the way christian and jaynova like to get rough with each other), punches and cicks all over the place.Me and my friends get thrown out of the place, seconds later the other guys got thrown out so obiously the fight started again.Before i continue with this story i would like to say that i have never been in a fight in my life, i mean, i am the guy who is always triying to break the whole thing up...i am a pacifist, not because i want to, but because i am useless in a fight.I am also the guy who usually gets punched for triying to break things up.Now,back to my story....the bouncers get in the midle and break the whole thing up, so we start to head to the car so that we can get the hell out of there.Now,this is where it gets nasty, once we reach the corner we found the guy who started the fight in the club holding a broken bottle, i get myself into "break up the fight" mode and get slightly cut by the swingin bottle.My friends kind of start fighting this guy..but he has a deadly weapon right?? Soooo, one of the guys i was with find a huge wooden stake liying around,another of the guys i was with manages to disarm the bottle swingin fiend...as as soon as he was disarmed he gets hit in the head by the huge wooden stake,and.....well,the rest is history.As soon as he hit the ground he recieved several kicks in the head, seconds later police cars all over the place screaming "ON THE GROUND,NOW!!!".......So we did,ended up in a smelly cell with walls stained with shit for about 9 hours, while the cops messed with our head telling us the poor guy was in a coma and a lot of other things that scared the freaking hell out of us.

    At the end the other guy was just fine(fine apart from having his ass kicked real bad), our angry parents took us out of jail, we got filed, there was a chance that the whole thing might have goten to trial(never happened,the charges were dropped), and that was it.


    Now, just for the record, i am not proud of what happened that night, looking back to it i realize that my friends could have killed that guy.

    But still, once i knew that the guy was going to be allright, it was a laughable experience.Ohhh, and lesson learned, no more fight for me and my friends :biggrin:

  3. well, not exactly a role model, but i woulkd like to have J.constatine wits.You know, to be able to deal with any situation as confident as he does,to be able to walk into any place as if i owned that place.

  4. a pack of cigarretes would be a godsend for me right now.Its 3 in the morning and i am out of nicotine....i do have some pot,but smoking pot would only make me want nicotine even more :closedeyes:



    ohhh,and a good idea for an aiwa advert would be nice.I just cant seem to get my creative juices flowing......all i can think of is getting a smoke!!!

  5. pretty decent episode last monday here in argentina.I would have never imagined what Mr.Eko´s past was like, and it was pretty cool how he faced the smoke column.

    looking forward to the next one tough, jack,sawyer and locke go out to find michael and find the bearded guy in the boat the night walt was taken.

  6. when something didnt had a real explanation in the comic book worlds, some people here qould often just say that " a wizard did it". James was just doing that but with "lucifer" instead of "wizard"

  7. Artifact Codes

    Press the tilde key (~) to bring up the console.

    Cheat  Effect 

    Hircine's Ring  BM_ring_hircine 

    Hunter's Amulet of Speed  bm_amulspd1 

    Hunter's Amulet of Strength  bm_amulstr1 

    Spear of the Hunter  BM_hunterspear_unique 

    Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer  BM_Mace_Aevar_UNI 

    Stalhrim Longsword of Flame  BM ice longsword_FG_Unique 

    Moon-and-Star  moon_and_star 

    Shadow Shield shadow_shield

    Keening  keening 

    Sunder  sunder 

    Wraithguard right  wraithguard 

    Wraithguard left  wraithguard_jury_rig 

    Trueflame (without flame)  nerevarblade_01 

    Trueflame(with flame)  nerevarblade_01_flame 

    Hopesfire  Sword of Almalexia 

    Barilzar's Mazed Band  mazed_band_end 




    any good?



    hell yah man,thanks!

  8. I like the personal trainer sketch — appealing design, and (for me at least) the stereotype is easily recognisable.


    Jon, has anyone told you there's a part of the forum for this kind of thread? It's the Show Your Wares section.



    wow,i am so glad to see that the stereotype is recognisable.I was worried it was to far out and that nobody would relate to it :p

  9. hahaha.........i am laughin because a number o forum members have told me that this should go on the show your wares thread. The thing is tha nobody checks that section anymore, so i just started posting them on the "down the loca" section because there they would be seen


  10. our skin is blue........



    nah,just joking.There´s nothing to understand really....its just satire, they are snobs you know,they love to show themselves and their musculature, they all, and i mean all, sport the same hair style( that is spiked up hair), they all have a golden aering ,and wear tah kind of clothes that show their muscles.


    As for his face expression, i guess that is the steroids kicking in

  11. ok,this is my work when i do more cartoony stuff.


    This first one is actually a sketch for a series of plush dolls some friends of mine are planning on doing and asked me to do the conceptual artwork.They are based on typical argentinian steriotypes.
















    the next one is a little thing i like to call "tHE DEATH OF A BALLON".........its just full of tension!!!!



  12. this is for all of ya playing morrowind.I screwed up big time.

    I sold an item that apparently was vital for the main quest. The item in question is the shadow shield...for what i was able to dug up in the internet i can get it back by using the "edit console"..the thing is....i dont know what the command for that item is.Can anyone help??

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