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Posts posted by Jon

  1. well, i have never been a big fan of the league.Batman I really like but i never got into reading a lot(out of laziness mostly).So i was hoping you guys could recommend some graphic novel or sagas worth reading(specially if those are the sort tha one can understand without having any knowledge about the last 20 years of this characters history.


    Ps: I did rad batman: the long halloween, hush aan a death in the family.

  2. yah, i definitely do.For example in the last year i have been developing a beer belly and i am hating it every time i look on the mirror or any time i realize my favourite shirt doesnt fit anymore....but what the hell, till the day i manage to get off my ass and do some exercise I will carry my beer belly with pride

  3. Anybody catch that look Libby gave the drowning survivor in Ecko's flashback?  I'm really curious to learn more about her character, hopefully it will happen despite her dying and leaving the show.


    For those that have missed some episodes, they're available for free at www.abc.com


    There was also another "commercial" for the Hanso Institute, this time with a website.  I can't remember the address right now, but I'll post it later.


    Overall, the theme seems to be the typical good vs. evil, and while I couldn't articulate my theories well (without spending more time than I truly care to) I think I know what's going on.



    pffff.......only users that live in the USA can use that??

  4. this was originally posted by me in another thread,but i rally would like to see john die like this:


    "Maybe a good way of ending johns life could be a a really silly death...i mean,it would make a nice story if he just died...lets say,hit by a car.i know it sounds lame,but just bear with me for a second.


    he is out to buy silk cuts, some boxes of him thinking how quiet things have been lately,all that hes been trough and blah,blah,blah...and suddenly,out of nowhere, he gets hit by an old lady driving her car...this would happen in the first pages...the rest of the story should have john talking about the irony of his death and concluding in how that was the best death for him...beacause it was not a part of anyone´s plan,,,,not the first,not nergal,not anyone......just life taking his natural course"


    I like Jon's idea. I said it before, and I'll say it again here.

    It's also probably the only time Jon will ever hear those words on this Forum! :lol:


    And with Ennis, he escapes a mortal death through the supernatural.




    You all love me and you know it!

  5. Well I see Rose was right about her husband still being alive. It wasn't just wishful thinking or self-delusion on her part.


    She knew. Did she really know?


    Again with the numbers. The number of survivors from the tail was 23 and the number of the rest of the survivors that we already knew about has always been described as about 40 could it actually be exactly 42.



    and the flight was 815

  6. The only thing about that Jon, is that concept was essentially what Ennis was doing in Dangerous Habits.  In fact, I think he even explains it in the introduction in the tpb.


    'He battles the supernatural and escapes death only to die of cigarette smoking.'



    MMM,yeah...ok,but in dangerous habits the supernatural factor was still there.What i am talking about is doing this story and totally removing the supernatural/magical factor. I dont see this death being similar to dangerous habits.

  7. this was originally posted by me in another thread,but i rally would like to see john die like this:


    "Maybe a good way of ending johns life could be a a really silly death...i mean,it would make a nice story if he just died...lets say,hit by a car.i know it sounds lame,but just bear with me for a second.


    he is out to buy silk cuts, some boxes of him thinking how quiet things have been lately,all that hes been trough and blah,blah,blah...and suddenly,out of nowhere, he gets hit by an old lady driving her car...this would happen in the first pages...the rest of the story should have john talking about the irony of his death and concluding in how that was the best death for him...beacause it was not a part of anyone´s plan,,,,not the first,not nergal,not anyone......just life taking his natural course"

  8. Actually i have had a theory since day one its a reality t.v. show gone too far....

    Wait reality t.v. went too far the day big brother became popular, a fucking show for fucking ignorant retards who have no life and prefer to watch fucking retarded fucking counsil estate slobs beg for fame, ifucking hate it.


    Our lass loves it!  :biggrin:



    nah,yhey wont go fot the reality show thing, its too obvious and it would suck.


    So far what is going on its kind of obvious.Whe have an island in wich weird experiments were happening.One of them( probably some kind of virus or psichological experiment maybe) went terribly wrong, people got infected and became a bit psichotic( this people being the "others".

    The techo-whatever-thingy´s mechanisism from wich the virus broke up and the only thing to prevent a new leak is to introduce a code every 108 minutes.



    What i cant explain is was kind of virus could turn people into the "others"....with all the creppy whispering and stuff ( but what the hell, if they could adapt a polar bear to live in a tropical enviorment....). I also cant explain why the passengers of flight 815 where brought to the island( because its pretty clear that they are there for a reason, each one of the main characters is connected to something in that island and to each other too)....this is where the "supernatural" factor comes into place...(walt being "special", Aaron(the baby) also being special,hurley allready knowing the numbers, all the coincidences that made all of them to be in the same flight.....a lot of them where not going to take that flight but some bizarre things made them end up there anyway).

    I hope i am wrong and the final answer to what is going on in that island is much more complex than this.

  9. What sort alcoholic beverafe can be consumed in mild excess without giving/gving very mild hangovers in the morning?

    Vodka is good. Also, give gin a try so you'll have an alternative. Test it out first in forgiving surroundings, because for some number of people, gin really doesn't work. But I think it's lovely stuff, and it's in keeping with the adage that the lighter-colored and clearer the liquor is, the better off you're likely to be.



    Fernet woth coke.No hangover, but you will go to the bathroom for number two two or three times the next day :biggrin:

  10. I just happen to think that,even tough we didnt crash and he managed to get me home safely, my concern was right and i was entitled to refuse the ride home.Thats it, i just wanted to hear some opinions. :glare:


    You were absolutely right, and your friend was being an ass. It's something to be very, very careful of - yeah, 9 times out of 10 you'll get home just fine if the driver's drunk, but is it really worth the risk? Call a cab next time, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty about it.



    you are absolutely right,its cab for me next time.

  11. Ok, i have just gotten back home from a night out with my pals.Overall it was a good night,but the thing is we had to much alcohol in our systmes,toooo much.So,when we called it a night, i kind of refused to get in the car with one of my friends because i thought he was too drunk to drive( he actually was), so he got pissed because i doubted his abilities to drive under the influence of alcohol. I finAly agreed to get in the car and i got home safe(yeahhhhh!!!), but still, he got pissed and did sarcastics remakrs all the way back to my place. I just happen to think that,even tough we didnt crash and he managed to get me home safely, my concern was right and i was entitled to refuse the ride home.Thats it, i just wanted to hear some opinions. :glare:

  12. thanx coralys.It actually took me a few years to find my own style....i guess i dont really have an own style, i just managed to take everything i could from artists i admire and blend them into "my style".

    I dont think I did anything new or unseen,i just took my time to study and understand everything i find interesting in other artists and tried to mix them into something "new".

    I dont know if that makes any sense,but i am pissed drunk at the moment and it makes sense for me at the right now,so screw all of ya!!!


    PS: i really like ya all!!!!.....(drunken fart)

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