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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Josh: No, i dont mind at all....just use them wisely :biggrin:


    Sickboy: Yeah, feet has always been tricky for me. And no, i am not training in art, i did a two year course on comic book drawing..the thing is i just do it as a hobby and dont practice as much as i should.As for inks...i hate inking, so if anyone wants to do the honors,and even color it with Photshop or whatever,knock yourselves out :biggrin:

  2. yes,it should be in the "show your warez" thread, but after a few months of posting my art, i realized that nobody pays attention to the "show your warez" thing,nobody!!! So i started posting them here and noone has complained, not even JMAC,so.....

  3. well,its finished..god,i am so proud of this one,sniff,sniff.......it think its my best one so far.The only thing that botheres me its tah i put a lot of work into doing this in diferent tones of grey, that the scanner didnt pick up, but still....i´ll try to take a picture of it with my digital camera,a picture that would hopefully do more honor to my work on this one.bat1.jpg

  4. i just realized how lost is going to end.....by the end of season 9,they have been rescued but they still dont know what the hell happened in that island.Upon returning to his regular lifes, jack and kate start recieving strange calls from amisterious character only known as Fox M.

    The misterious Mr.M starts leading them into revealing a goverment conspiracy to do long and crappy tv shows about people lost in a misterious island. It all ends when we discover that kate is pregnant with hurleys son...and we recieve hint that the kid might be the next mesiah.


    Then we will have to wait 3 or 4 years for the movie. :biggrin:

  5. dumb americans!!!....when wil they learn, i mean,from the beginning of the show you coul tell any inteligent producer would realize that it was a show that could not run for long.It shoul be one of those shows that las for 2 seasons and then enter the hall of fame of good tv shows

  6. i understand how you get bored with morrowind after a while....thats why i only play 1 or two hours a day(travelling suuuuuuucks). As for Rpg´s, the only ones i trully love is the final fantasy series, but since i dont have a PS2 i had to recur to morrowind and such :sad:

  7. I felt a disturbance in the....browser.  Happy birthday to those I missed, and how abotu we spam the spammers.  Set up random email accounts and send them a shizerload of spam.  Theres always one person at the other end who hasd to read them at some point.  Oh, and mark it 'From Straight to Hell, exactly where you can go' just to make sure they know who they're missing for.  Aside from that, I'm always up for some good old fashioned hangings.



    i dont know,it seems like a lot of work and i am lazy

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