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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. I... I need a carton of cigarettes after watching that.


    It looks even more Hollywood than Thunderdome but it looks so legit. Might be a decent chase in there. Mad Max 2 has the best cumulative chase of all time IMO (real men being thrown from their motorcycles 20 feet in the air somersaulting at 45 MPH; jumping from a car to a tractor trailer and barely hanging on to the bed avoiding being run over by 6 of the 18 wheels) so it can't be as cool as that can it?


    The shotgun shells and assorted ammunition in the dirty handkerchief was my favorite part.


    I remember Pooka outing me as Cartman because of my obsession with Mad Max 2 and Braveheart.


    It's time to show my daughter Mad Max movies (Australian Documentaries) and maybe Braveheart ('Scottish' Space-Time Fantasy). I was her age when I saw it. I was about 6 when I saw the first Max movie.


    maurice was my favorite ape. he was a wonderful character, very thoughtful and emotionally sentimental (the book)...


    did anyone else notice koba's 3D dick flopping around when he jumped on the tank. he was backlit by fire and as he jumps up on the tank, i swear you see his dick flopping between his legs and it's one of the 3D depth scenes. please tell me you saw it, too. anybody?



    Yeah and I LOVE that book.


    The part with flaming Koba and the wall of fire, horses and full auto was one of the parts I could smell. I didn't see it in 3D and I don't remember a dick.

  3. But, yeah, you're right about the Lando trilogy. It really does stand-out. It was a different time for SW, when continuity wasn't everything. It just told a fun story about Lando being Lando. It doesn't even need to be a Star Wars trilogy, honestly, it could just be a space opera plot. It was helped by being written by a talented sci-fi writer like L. Neil Smith too. Bringing in an established, good science fiction writer to do his own thing on Star Wars worked better than the later books when Lucas had their own roster of writers to write Star Wars books closely with the editors.

    So, anyway, any fans of Star Wars who haven't, should read the Lando trilogy.


    I loved that they weren't super continuity heavy and that the Star Wars bits could've been just shoehorned in. I would forget I was reading a Star Wars book at times.

  4. Has anyone read Splinter of the Mind's Eye, the book "originally written to be filmed as a low-budget sequel to Star Wars if the original film was not a success"?

    The only EU books I've read and really enjoyed were the Lando books. I read Darksaber and a few parts of some Dark Trilogy and they were laaame.

  5. Watched the Planet of the Apes rereboot yesterday and it was surprisingly (shockingly, even) very good. Excited for the new one. I loved the originals when I was a kid and LOVE some of the '70s comics. Never read the book or watched the supposedly hilariously bad TV show.

  6. Any TV show is a lot of time to invest for me. The Wire is 5 seasons? So like 50+ hours. And I have trouble getting free time to watch a 2 hour movie. But I was able to watch Breaking Bad in about 3 months.


    Everything I've heard makes it seem like The Wire would be worth it. My list of most loved cop shows begins and ends with Dragnet.

  7. i don't know about breaking bad. i only watched the first season and couldn't get myself to start the second one. i may sound like a big heretic, but the charakter development of heisenberg seems so extremly unbelievable. this sudden development to a complete psychopath...


    I disagree. His pride and his resentment for not getting what he thought he deserved in life were shown as festering in him for decades. I lost all sympathy for Walt at the fourth episode but that's not what Bromine Barium was about.

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