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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Cannibal Holocaust


    I love the music. I would probably buy the soundtrack. My favorite part of the whole movie is the

    girl on a stick

    scene. Just creeps me out in exactly the right way.


    Also: If it's funny 'horror' you're looking for, I suggest Cannibal! The Musical (although it might help to be a musical theater geek), or Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.


    "Sooooo Let's build a snowman!"


    I remember being dissapointed with Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. It's hard to top the title.

  2. I never suspected that the people who make these wonderful comic-book movies actually read the comics; but I figured that they had at least opened the book and looked at some of the pictures once or twice. Even a cursory glance at an unmasked Kovacs would give one reason to question the idea of giving him that... erm... 'special' voice.

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