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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Reading Ostrander's Spectre. #15 has a cameo by Constantine (The caption says New York?). He's face down in a pile of green (later red) liquid and says "MRGHH... HCHHK..." Phantom Stranger declares him 'totally useless' to join the team with The Demon and Dr. (Boobs) Fate to bring down a crazed Spectre. Makes me want to read the middle part of Ennis' run again.


    Ok so a cover date of February 94 would put it in the middle of Damnation's Flame. New York then. Still, smack in the middle of the "FECK! ARSE! DRINK!" of Ade Brown's Compleat Hellblazer.

  2. Exactly. I feel like I missed all the cool stuff.


    TV: Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Vicious, Archer, Derek, The Venture Bros, The Pacific, the second coming of Futurama. Whatever David Attenborough did in the last 7 years.


    I have seen the first two seasons of Venture Bros. I'm not much of a TV guy. Which one of those would you recommend the most?


    Oh and I have seen almost every recent comic adaptation movie. My daughter likes them :blush: . That's my excuse anyway.


    However, my thoughts are that if terrible movies like Constantine or V for Vendetta make just one person read a good comic then they are worth the millions of dollar spent on making them.


    I was working at a movie theater in 2004 and we got a poster for Constantine. At the bottom it said "based on the Vertigo Hellblazer graphic novels" (BARF) so I decided to go buy a few. I hadn't bought a comic since breaking up with Spider-Man in 4th grade (Clone Saga) and they had a LOT of older Hellblazer so I bought the oldest one they had. It was #3 and I was hooked. So then I (ahem) bought the rest of the series and found myself entirely back into comics (for good, it now seems) and Hellblazer was/is my favorite. Oh and then I saw the movie and cried.


    If not for the existence of that horrible movie I would not have my favorite comic and quite possibly would not read comics now. So yeah. Comic book movies can be used for good. But I still hope they die soon.

  3. I'm just worried that my ignorance of new things in entertainment is holding me back. I hate when people are ignorant of old things, but I feel I have the advantage because there are more old things than new things. But there has to be something good still going on, right?

  4. Things is good on my end. I've discovered that I truly enjoy being a 'grown-up.' The majority of my time and energy are currently spent doing responsible and fulfilling things like being a good daddy, paying the bills, and improving my ability to perform said activities. I'll be done with school in a week. And I'm closing in on 50 days THC-free after nearly three years of everyday use.

  5. Mulholland Drive[/b] - Gosh, this was such a grasping film. My brother and I had a great time watching this. Great characters and fantastic use to tension build up. I honestly don't know too much to say about this movie expect that I really enjoyed it and am really growing into a big David Lynch fan. 8.5/10


    Have you seen Blue Velvet or Twin Peaks yet Greg?

  6. The only problem is her late birthday. School starts in early September and her birthday is at the end of that month. So she'll only be at most a few months younger than the other kids. I hope she doesn't hate me for that when she's in high school.


    Oh and



    That's not my messy-ass apartment. Mine is much worse :laugh:.

  7. I'm going back to school in January. I have enough credits to finish up an AA by the end of spring. I feel pretty stupid because I'll have to re-take English 101 and 102 being as the school I'm going to now doesn't accept ACT scores as credit like my old school did. It'll be boring but at the same time hellaciously easy. At least I can boost my GPA, haha.


    My daughter finished all of her required kindergarten work at her private school in about three months and has moved on to first grade work. She'll start in the regular school district next year in first grade, though. I'm not much into skipping ahead grades for a number of reasons; but I don't think 6 will be too young to start first grade. Oh and she was a Care Bear for Halloween.

  8. About 15 years ago there was a big push to make Louie Louie the state song here in Washington. I remember the local radio station trying to get people to sign the petition and playing the song exclusively for three days. They would play it during the 7th inning stretch at the Mariner games. (Fuck, it's better than some serviceman singing a faux-opera God Bless America like at every post-9/11 Yankee game) It was fun for awhile. Eventually someone's better judgement came through and the state stuck with its original song.

  9. Is it true that in certain places, you can't even smoke in the street?

    Nope. Some buildings (hospitals, for instance) require you to smoke a certain distance away from the entrance, but that's not the same.


    Chicago has a (widely ignored) law banning smoking a certain number of feet from the entrance to any public building. The problem is that realistically that would put all the smokers in the middle of the road.


    In my state the law is something like 25 feet from the entrance. I've decided that if ever someone tells me that I'm smoking too close to an entrance I'll say 'You go get some measuring tape while I finish my cigarette.'

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