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Posts posted by coralys

  1. I don't know if it's because I already knew it was fake when I was watching it, but the girl isn't a very good actress, is she? At least not in the first video. I think that by the time of the one about the religious ceremony, she gets better, but I haven't watched all of them. I suppose that if I was watching it before, I'd just have thought she was self-conscious.

  2. OK, I've read it. These are just a few ideas I have.


    1) This was a lot more scary than I remembered, especially the first three pages.

    2) It's surprising that so many of the elements I associate with Hellblazer are to be found in the very first issue, such as: a) Addiction. The whole thing is about addiction!

    b) The Ghosts. Emma is either a ghost or is in his head

    c) "Tough luck on the priest." Very Constantine.

    3) The amount magic Constantine uses. He puts Gary Lester into a trance, he does the vision thing with the witch-doctor guy, he even uses on Papa Midnite's goon. On the other hand, he didn't use magic for travelling, which is something he usually does later. Does that come after the Books of Magic only?

    4) He uses physical violence on Papa Midnite's goon! OK, it was just a slap, but it was weird.

    5) It's interesting to see the differences in how Newcastle affected John and Gary. As amoral he sometimes is, I don't think he would ever do what Gary did with the kid in Morocco - would he?


    Um, this is all much messier than I planned it to be.

  3. OK, I'm late, but here's my go at it:



    Fat, she thought. I’m so fat.


    She ran her hand over her stomach and felt the rolls of fat. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw her body in her bra and underwear. She saw the rolls of fat where her waist should have been slim, her thick upper arms, her thighs bulging out and all those stretch marks.


    “No wonder you’ve never had a boyfriend,” she said, out loud.


    She felt shame, she felt repulsion, and she got down on her knees and stuck her fingers down her throat, pushing them all the way back until she felt it all come back up. Everything she’d just eaten, the salad, the beans, the pork, the rice, the cake, it all came back up and hit the toilet bowl in a watery stream of bile, and it felt so good. It all came back and into the toilet and it felt so good.


    She coughed and wiped her mouth and felt so good.

  4. You know what? This brings back memories.

    I actually petted some stingrays at the Marine World aquarium in Florida when I was a teenager.

    They had them in a petting tank, with a trainer watching to make sure no one got near the tails.

    They were very docile and tame animals. They'd swim around in a circular motion on the outside edge of the tank and you'd run your hand over their backs.

    They actually seemed to enjoy it.

    Occasionally one would get startled and splash its tail, but it was all very safe.


    I completely forgot about that memory until I saw the pictures in that article.

    I have also petted stingrays. They let you do that at Sea World (I think).

  5. Nah, my birth name is Fernando, if you want I can trace my surnames... Women don't lose their surnames when they get married, surnames pile up over and over during generations...

    Fernando González Cámara Benito Piquero Salgado Gonzalez Campo del Rio... Something like that.

    Shit. That's what the kids around here are going to be like in a few generations. 'Bout fifteen years ago, it became the norm for kids to have two surnames. Plus, many people like to give their kids two first names, like Jean-Christophe. My Quebecker friends in elementary school all had names like Jean-Baptiste Chenier-Lavoie. I though to myself, by the time my kids gets to kindergarten, all their friends will have names like Jean-Baptiste Chenier-Lavoie-Taylor-Rodrigues!

  6. For a little while in 7th grade I would watch Passions every day. It played at 4pm, just after I got home from school. After a while though, I realised how the plots where insanely slow. I stopped watching it and found that I didn't miss it.

  7. I just downloaded it. I have a question, though. Can I use the same account on different computers?


    I used to use Pandora, but I don't like it's suggestions, except occasionally.


    Also, I hope you don't mind but I added you all as friends.

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