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Posts posted by coralys

  1. Interview went well, might know something this week.


    Packing the car this morning for our weekly trip to Dallas, a gust of wind blew the (already heavy) hatchback hard down on my head and knocked me the fuck out. I have no recollection of the events in the day prior to the event, nor can I recall anything which happened over the last 2 days, I can only remember the events on Sunday evening and it FF's to waking up on the couch (after I had walked inside on my own, I passed out and came to twice before staying awake for good).


    For those keeping score, that's the 3rd serious head injury and the 6th overall since 2003 when we began recording the statistic...how many more before I get to retire? This one is the worst so far, I feel nautious, dizzy and the memory issue. I think the fact I was bending up to stand straight at the same time the door blew down, so there was inertia from both objects, is why it got me so badly. This sucks. I didn't know what day it waas at first either.

    Wow, that's terrible. I hope you get better soon.

  2. But this morning I dreamed I was watching a video for Roxy Music's "Love is the Drug." In the video, Bryan Ferry is prowling the discotheque looking for love. He runs across this very nerdy guy who asks him, "Hey, Bryan, you wanna, like, get some coffee and hang out?" Bryan's like, "No, man, love is the drug and I need to score." At the end of the video, Ferry strikes out! No chicks! And he runs into the nebbish again, shrugs, and the two go off for, you know, coffee and cheesecake.

    You know, I didn't really understand what you were saying, and went to look for this video, thinking, "I have to watch this!", before realising that it didn't exist. Did it?

  3. Not when you're reading the translated editions!

    Never heard of the second book, but you should get Jean Cocteau's book in the English translation, and read that. You'll look like a genius! he he

    I greatly enjoy Jean Cocteau.

    No, I won't look like a genius, I'll look normal, because I'm a french-first-language class and everyone else has french as their first language. Actually, I didn't really have much problem with the Cocteau one. It's the other one, the one I'm reading now, that I'm having a little difficulty with.


    By the way, maybe you'll remember Radiguet is Cocteau's teenage lover? The one who wrote a book at 15, and died at 21?




    Don't get me wrong...I've concidered the same issues that Christian brings up. The thing is, I've met lots of very attractive "unattainable" women while my marriage was falling apart, and I was not tempted to pursue them. I don't get off on conflict; it makes me a wreck. I was with Krista for about 7 years before things started to go strange, and I never got bored. It sounds corney, it sounds like a cliche that someone deluding themselves would say, but if you just heard this girl (she doesn't want her name on the internet) and I talk, you would see how strange the compatabliitly is. We have the same hopes, the same fears, the same neurosis...it's a perfect match!



    On a related note, though....


    I visited her at her house, and she had a New Yorker cover on her wall. It was by Adrian Tomine and depicted a man and a woman on separate subway trains, each with their own copy of the same book, looking at each other through the windows.


    I said, "Adrian Tomine? you like his stuff?"


    She said, "What, is he a comic book person? Weird. No, I stole that from work last year. It's called "a missed connection". I took it because it was us."


    I started bawling.

    :blush: Awww...

  5. Have you ever read an entire book (or maybe two) imagining one of the characters as looking a certain way, only to find out that they didn't?


    In The Baroque Cycle, I always thought that the character of Eliza had black hair, for some reason, but just now I read that she had "yellow hair". Oops.


    Are thesebooks any good? I have the first one and have been putting off reading it .

    Yes, they are very good!


    And Dogpoet, I'm about halfway through and I've been enjoying it very much.

  6. I picked up and read Batman Gothic. It was good but didn't carry a sense of awesomeness with it. Wasn't impressed much by the art either. But then this was sixteen years ago. I'm gonna give it another go before passing final judgement.

    I didn't really like it, either.

  7. I'm reading Robertson Davies's The Lyre of Orpheus. No, haven't finished System of the World, it's too heavy to carry around, and I kinda gave up Nights at the Circus cuz I didn't like it.

    That's a pity: it's probably Carter's best novel.

    I might go back and continue to read it. I haven't really found the time to read (or post) these days.


    I've not read any Robertson Davies besides the two trilogies. I'll have to get around to going through the rest of his stuff at some point.

    Which two trilogies? The Lyre of Orpheus is the last book in the Cornish Trilogy. I liked it, but not as much as the other two books. I really liked What's Bred in the Bone, the second one.

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