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Lou K

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Posts posted by Lou K

  1. 4 hours ago, dogpoet said:

     (Lou's dead right that if I'm spending over the odds for a pen, I'm going to write with it: they're tools not investments.)


    I am the same way with my action figure collection. Upgraded to the big boy imported Japanese stuff. Can get quite expensive. I open them all and "play" with them anyways. Doesn't do you any good just sitting in a box.

  2. I edited and clarified my previous statement.

    Yeah, Dog, Grant's run on Batman was absolutely bonkers. So much good stuff there. And he seemed to bring it all to a head as well. It's almost like everything he put in those issues had some meaning, some connection to the larger overall story. Every little bit had a purpose. And you are correct that Grayson/Damian duo was fantastic. Loved the banter in between the two of them and Damian's total distaste for Jason Todd (HAHAHAHAHA). Way out there shit with Professor Pyg and all that Dollotrons and general overall weirdness.

    Hell, Batman Inc, as silly as it was, was a lot of fun too. And when what happened to Damian happened, man, I felt that.

    One of the goofiest things ever is Bruce Wayne chumming around with El Gaucho but he's like 'No, I am not Bruce Wayne. I am Batman disguised as Bruce Wayne' and Gaucho's like 'Sweet.' Yet GM totally makes it work. 

    I still only have the first trade of Morrison's JLA. I dig it, but man it is so 90s. Super Mullet!

  3. If I recall correctly (which is dubious at best), DP is a collector of fine ink pens. I think Mr. Gaiman is coming up with a signature pen, but it may be pricy. And that is fine and good but unlike some people, DP plans on actually using it, which may decrease the overall value down the road.

    Do I get a No Prize?

  4. So that Green Lantern annual was a bit of a mess, wasn't it? I'll admit I am not keeping up with the monthly as much as I should, so maybe I am missing something

  5. So now I am in Carey's run, sort of by accident, because I wanted to see

    On 7/19/2019 at 12:47 PM, Patsboy101 said:

    Mike Carey's High on Life where Cheryl gives John the smackdown about giving everyone the scare about being officially dead on paper

    which led to Red Sepulcher and a Game of Cat and Mouse so I may as well finish this run out before I get too forgetful.

  6. 2 hours ago, JohnMcMahon said:

    Critical Mass remains probably my favourite ever Hellblazer story. 

    Critical Mass is an absolutely essential hellblazer tale. If I’m looking for definitive works on the character I’m looking at that arc and also Dangerous Habits and probably the first two issues of Delano’s run with the hunger demon. And probably family man. 

  7. Azz's run was a lot better than I remember (even Ashes and Dust). Maybe the second time's the charm. It has it's faults, but I like that he was dedicated to the long game right from the get go, as opposed to writing a smashing introductory first arc then spinning wheels til they fall off.

    Warren Ellis's run was, well, short and pretty much not worth remembering or even reading a second time.

    I think from here I will go backwards and read Paul Jenkins run, which I've often thought to be boring. Maybe the second time will be better.

  8. 9 hours ago, Patsboy101 said:

    I've read up to Milligan's run just before John gets married and stopped there due to not enjoying what I was reading.  



    Yeah, I dropped off right around there as well, and have yet to look at anything Hellblazer related since. I was a big advocate of him coming into the DCU proper, as that is where he really came from, but by the sounds of it they've kind of overdone it or not quite done it right. Mix it up with Etrigan, Deadman and Zatanna? OK. The Bat? Not so much.

    Anyways, I am currently going through Azzarello's run. It is a lot better than I recall it being but it has it's bad moments too. Of course, I am not at Ashes and Dust yet.

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