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Lou K

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Posts posted by Lou K

  1. Oh sorry I had a few weeks built up (still was only like 2 books) plus I added an action figure. I had not been there in a while and I think they did get last week's books. Doubt they got this weeks


  2. One thing is we, as comic club members, are paying our current pull lists by phone, so that the shop has some kind of revenue stream, with the idea that if and when they reopen, we can pick up our stuff when the dust settles.

  3. Yeah man if my shop folds then I am out, maybe the odd trade here or there, if they still exist. Those dudes are cool and one of the last in town.

    Fuck, even if we do get over this by the end of the month (spoilers: we won't), I do not even feel comfortable going to Motor City Con in mid May. I have not missed a con in...god damn I can't even remember.

  4. That is amazing, John.

    WFH day 2. Has not been too bad. Have some distractions with the boy and maybe some motivational issues. But you can get a lot more done when you're not commuting 1 or more hours each day, showering, getting dressed lol. Just wake up and roll over to the computer and see what's up

  5. 19 minutes ago, Avaunt said:

    Hello Brother. 🙂 Stay well, ok?


    Max is five, so he is past the really difficult age, imagine if this was happening and he was three still 🙂



    Will do. You too, my friend.


    This is so true. He was a fucking terror at 2 and 3. He has matured SO much. My wife and I were just remarking that we are glad this did not happen when he was younger.


  6. My biggest concern is that my son (5 years old in May) was making great headway into social development through school, his  first year. Now I feel that some of that is stunted. There's a lot of bad manners we broke a while ago that I see manifesting again. He needs to have teachers, peers, friends, other folks to steer him a bit. He'll only listen to Ma and Pa so much.

  7. Spot on, CC.

    On Sundays I shop for the food and items we need for  the week, and gas both vehicles fully. Rinse and repeat.

    This time around I have no choice but to buy extra, in an already cleaned out store, just to be able to get by as we normally would, thanks to panic buying. My wife was shopping today and already staff were pulling out stuff to fill shelves so I'd imagine by Sunday things will be mostly normal. 

  8. I'm certainly no doomsday prepper, but an extra case of water and canned goods and a good propane stove couldn't hurt to have laying around just in case. We had a grid go down some years back and it knocked the power out for maybe 3 days. It was some tough sledding to get gas, water, anything. Can't get caught with my pants down like that again now that I have a son. I'm more concerned with that than some virus panic. I keep threatening to get a generator too

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