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Posts posted by JohnMcMahon

  1. Finally got around to finishing Troll Slayer, fun read but it's less a novel and more a collection of loosely connected short stories - almost like a procedural TV show, "This week, on Gotrek & Felix...".

    A little ways into Skavenslayer and it looks like it'll be focused on an ongoing conflict with...yes, you guessed it....the Skaven!  First chapter/story was good though Fellix appears to have lost his magic sword between books!

  2. Followed up Bendis' run on Daredevil with Ed Brubakers but unfortunately didn't enjoy it nearly as much.  Maybe that was too much DD all at once but his Matt was a total dick and I was actively rooting against him by the end, had his reasons of course but never really managed to sell me on his actions. 

    Lady Bullseye was a pretty awful character too - the name and design moreso than anything else about her to be fair but they're two fairly big elements!

  3. Finished up his run last night and while I thought it did run out of steam a little near the end it never dipped into being less than pretty good.

    The art really is fantastic, would love to see Maleev on the interiors of a  Hellblazer project or at least a few covers!  The whole art team work wonders when it comes to the superhero stuff - they're so good at the 'normal' that when guys in spandex show up it just feels natural.  I'm not explaining that very well but trust me, they're wizards.  

  4. Strong ending to the mini this and actually served to elevate my enjoyment of the series as a whole. 

    For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about apparent continuity errors around John's birth (guilty as anyone, me), this issue confirms that we're not dealing with Vertigo John as

    his dad is very much alive and well and with both arms

    .  The football stuff was very Denise Mina. 

    Quite probably the queerest (meant positively) John's been in a tale too!

  5. Currently reading the New 52 version of I,Vampire and quite enjoying it.

    Breaks the cardinal rule of a Constantine guest appearance by calling him 'Hellblazer'.

  6. Hundred pages or so in and enjoying it,  interesting to see Sigmar being worshipped as a religious figure coming right out of the series charting his rise to power.  Glad I started with the 'historical' books (Sundering, War Of Vengeance, Rise Of Sigmar) for grounding but much prefer this kind of ground level storytelling - just a couple of lads slaughtering their way through the old world!

    I'm not familiar with 'sharecrops', is that autocorrect run awry or....?

    I am familiar with Shadowrun however, have a couple of the old novels on a shelf here and played the RPG back in the day (Ork Street Samurai!).


  7. Assuming it's the same first book (Trollslayer) then they actually get to laying out how the boys got together after the first couple of pages, it does start 'in media res' but inside of the first chapter you're brought right up to speed.

    The short stories are positioned at the end of the Omnibus, after the three books.

  8. Reading Bendis' Daredevil run for the 3rd or 4th time, ace comics with some beautiful art from Maleev - just gotten to the appearance of Typhoid Mary, her fight with the Yakunza and then Cage/Jones/Murdock are both so bloody good.

  9. I'm looking forward to sitting down and doing a Hellblazer reread some time - DC have continued to release collections and while I'm a few behind I think I'll manage to eventually get the whole thing on a shelf.  I do wonder how Azzarello's run will read in retrospect - I can appreciate his penchant for the nasty if nothing else.  

  10. Jumped through that, sounds fun!  I was kind of spoiled as my first foray into Audiobooks came via Steve Pacey's reading of The First Law series and he's clearly a master of his craft.  To be fair to Ralph Lister, the Malazan series is a whole different kettle of fish in terms of scope and number of characters.

    I'm only a few pages into G&F but can tell already that I'm going to like it, gotten a few chuckles and the relationship between the pair is clearly going to be fun if a little familiar.  The first omnibus collects three books - Trollslayer, Skavenslayer and Daemonslayer all by William Kingalong with a couple of short stories by various authors.

  11. Finished the Sigmar omnibus over Christmas - odd series in the sense that it got better as it went along largely by virtue of the fact that the focus shifted a little away from the man himself.  Super sex God Sigmar with his mighty hammer (not a euphemism) is a pretty dull dude but there are some interesting folks around him and the levels of violence escalated quite nicely as the series progressed.

    Just started the first Gotrek & Felix omnibus.

    Also nearly done with listening to the second Malazan book, Deadhouse Gates.  Read it a number of years ago and, while the chap doing the reading isn't great, am happy to report that I still think it's fantastic.  Has it all really - great characters battling impossible odds as horrible things happen all around them.  Hits all ends of the emotional spectrum for me.  Just a great piece of fantasy fiction.

  12. I guess this is a digital only anthology series ?  #3 drops in April and features a John Constantine story.

    written by DANNY LORE
    variant cover by JOSHUA “SWAY” SWABY


    What kind of man is John Constantine? Mage, con man, and a few other choice descriptors not fit to print—but sometimes, he tries to be a good guy. When he tries to stop a young teenager from getting in deep with Papa Midnite, he is faced not just with the past as he’d like to remember it, but with exactly the kind of wizard he really is. Can John help, or is he going to drive someone else into the very shadows he wanted to save them from?

    ON SALE 4/20/21
    $4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DC

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