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A. Heathen

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Posts posted by A. Heathen

  1. Yeah, probably just me who thought the suicide bomber fancy dress guy was funnier than most of the cartoons.


    Who? Omar Khayam, it was poetic justice that he got arrested for breaching the parole conditions for his conviction of drug-dealing.


    Now that was funny. :biggrin:


    Yes, because parole conditions for drug-dealing ALWAYS include a "No freedom of political expression" clause. Meanwhile they failed to arrest anyone carrying the already illegal incitement to violence placards. Now that is funny.

  2. Jay and I had a discussion about this, and we pretty well came to an agreement that at least 50% of these differences are societal in nature instead of being any sort of natural occurence.

    Which is where I have trouble with those books in the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus pattern. They tend to assume that middle-class middle-American straight white people are representative of all of humanity. Unfortunately, it's too much work for some authors to learn about other cultures, including othe subcultures within one's own countries, as well as people who aren't straight, to see if their generalizations about men and women hold true for everyone; and a large portion of book purchasers just want the stereotypes they already hold ratified so they don't have to be uncomfortable and having their thinking challenged.


    I always wanted to write a book called "Men are from Mars, and Women like Chocolate."

  3. It's highly used by political scientists who have any sort of background in economics.

    Ah, "economics".

    The study of the laws of money set by those who have most of it.


    Did I ever tell you my theory that economics was misnamed ?

    Consider the following connections:


    Economy - Ecology.

    Astronomy - Astrology.


    In the latter pair, -nomy keeps to its definition of "a system of laws governing or a body of knowledge about a specified field" and let's remember that those laws are based on actual physical laws which mean that things can be predicted. Meanwhile, -logy means "discourse; science; theory; study" usually the theory part is based on speculation that plays with cause and effect.


    So, with the stars, which one has the most factual basis ?

    And yet, the Power behind the Wallet put more stock in a group of theories based on secondary observation rather than a factual field that shows the damage being caused to our home-world.

    No, it doesn't explain the negative connotation "Liberal" carries over here in the States, sadly. I could only wish!

    The negative connotation "Liberal" carries over here is that we're all pot-smoking, abortion lovin', tree huggin', Jesus hatin', anti-American, Communists.


    I'm sure one of them is meant to be capitalized and the other small-case, which would differentiate the terms, but I don't know which should be capitalized, truthfully.

    Actually, I'm thinking the economic term may have been coined before the political....I'm not really sure. I think it may be a bastardization of the original defintions, anyway.


    Liberal with a small "l" is a non-party political attribution. "Neo-Liberal" should almost certainly be capitalised. A true liberal would not hate Jesus, by the way because the emphasis should be on freedom of choice but with responsibilities to others. Since liberalism is about fair distribution of resources (inc. wealth), and "NeoLiberalism" seems to assume that economic power is a fair way to distribute wealth (it isn't though, is it?) I can see why they seek to co-opt the term.


    The term Liberal with a large "L" goes back a lot further than 1960s conservatism, and even before Adam Smith began to bastardise it. But the UK party of that name was formed in the mid-19th century.


    I think you have to separate social liberalism and cultural liberalism from the economic ones, but they are so often conflated that they are open to misuse.


    The funny thing is: "I've never heard the term used that way over here," is the usual response when the term is used amongst Americans who only know the Political definition.


    Pretty much all of the definitions are political.

    I can see the term being used in academia, because they like to confuse people with secret languages.

    The main reason why anyone outside the US would question the term is because most countries have a Liberal or Liberal Democrat party which is not in the slightest bit similar to Thatcherism.

  4. The art-homaging theme was a reasonable one to hang an arc's worth of covers around, too.


    See that's where your theory falls down.

    I'm not sure there has been a coherenet theme to the four covers we've seen except for a stylistic one. Two homages, one character piece and one "in this issue a giant monkey with a beard attempts to eat John". Although I stand to be corrected if that Spectre-like cover turns out to be a ri- copy of some well known masterpiece.


    Do you know, looking at all four covers side by side the first one is actually the best artwork and the worst cover for what lies within. And yes, I can tell that from the solicitations because the following three are clearly connected to the story whereas this one isn't.


    Having said that, it is merely Lauren's technique that dismays me. His ideas have been amusing. And I am also disappointed if Vertigo can't see the theme "Constantine in Peril drawn on Teabags" through to the end of the arc.

  5. I've never heard the term used that way over here, but it explains why "liberals" have such a bad name over there.


    Seems to be a term they coined themselves from the few decent references I can find on the web, so again, they ain't any kind of liberal and they ain't fooling anyone.

  6. I think it's bullshit that men don't understand what women say, it's just an excuse for the [over-used word]ish ones to misrepresent what we say.


    What are you trying to say ?

    That men all have two sets of lips and a beard ????*















    (* can't take the credit for that one, it's a Simon Fanshawe from around 1983)

  7. (Obligatory plug) If you're in New York, come see the Rocky Horror Picture Show!  We perform Fridays and Saturdays at midnight at the Clearview Chelsea, W. 23rd St between 7th and 8th Aves.  I'm the girl Brad.



    I do believe that's where we saw Blair Witch Project the first time we went to New York. Welcome to the show, Becky.

  8. Just to be a bit downbeat, we don't know for sure that it's Manco.

    If it is then I agree with James (except for the marriage bit).


    And, as nice as it would be to see that on a cover, it may just be something that is used as a holding cover for the publicity while Lauren sends his paintings off to the laundry to be "finished".

  9. In case anyone is wondering, I didn't forget the CDs promised in July last year (!) and here's what I sent out with the artwork (Track/Album/Band/genre):




    Ludwig Van Ramone

    Last Chance Disco

    Acoustic Ladyland

    Contempo Jazzo


    Five Feet High and Risin'

    Til Things Get Brighter

    Tracey & Melissa Beehive

    C&W covers


    Neighborhood #2 (Laika)


    The Arcade Fire

    21st Century Shoegazing


    I Killed The Neighbours


    Misty's Big Adventure

    UK Antifolk


    Beneath The Rose

    Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel of Progress

    Micah P.Hinson And The Gospel Of Progress

    General Emo.Country


    The Ghost Of The Girl In The Well

    Regard The End

    Willard Grant Conspiracy

    General Alt.country


    The box it came in

    Hard-Headed Woman (Wanda Jackson)

    Anna Fermin



    Stealing In The Name Of The Lord

    Leicester Square: The Best Of Yeah Yeah Noh

    Yeah Yeah Noh

    80s Peel


    Of Angels And Angles


    The Decemberists

    ELO folk


    The Devil's Country

    These Were The Earlies

    The Earlies



    Living In Sin

    Welcome Home, Loser

    The Broken Family Band

    Americana Gothica


    Save Me A Place



    Big Mac Covers


    Little Yellow Spider



    New Folk/Alt.folk




    Lauren Hoffman





    Johnny Hickman

    C&R dude


    The Man Of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts

    Come On Feel The Illinoise!

    Sufjan Stevens

    Reasonable use of Superhero Trademark


    The Hippie and The Skinhead

    When Sex rears its inquisitive head

    Peter Wingarde

    60s TV kitsch


    If You Shoot The Head You Kill The Ghoul

    It's The Ones Who've Cracked That The Light Shines Through

    Jeffrey Lewis

    Garage Comic Artist


    Sex investigation

    Kaggy CD

    Kevin Turvey

    80s comedy


    The rest of you who asked will get something in the next few weeks.

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