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A. Heathen

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Posts posted by A. Heathen

  1. Didn't expect one point from this week's games, so I'm thankful, but why oh why oh why do we keep getting players sent of for NOTHING ?

    (I'm reserving judgment on Heskey until later, but with referees waging a War on Birmingham, I suspect sinisterness.)


    EDIT: Seen the two bookings now. Two accidents, two yellow cards and yet Heskey is able to be kicked and Sutton is able to be flattened by their defenders with no booking. Same old champagne refereeing.


    Incidentally, I am not too sure about all that Arsenal hugging before the game.

  2. It's a recruitment drive not a protest.

    By exaggerating the western response to the offence that was caused, they'll get more recruits from people who feel that way inclined or don't know any better.

  3. They were going for the same ball, then squared up.

    Scharmer pushed/punched Fergie's chest and The Wee Man sent a haymaker into his chest.


    Incidentally, shots of the Damien Johnson tackle that got him sent off refer to "two footed lunge" despite all showing him kicking the ball with his right foot as Agger slides in. The only published one that looks fair on Damo is the second one below (and I mean fair as in the TV coverage which showed lack of intent for anything other than the ball - the poor bloke was apologising as he tried to leap off Agger's 50-50 challenge)





  4. The toon's not funny, but the person who wrote that letter to the Washington Post is a fucking idiot. I loathe people like that.


    Ah, the classic mistake about political cartoons.

    They don't have to be "funny", they have to make a point.

    Which this one does very successfully.

    Otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to complain about it.

  5. Do you like novelty music. Do you know what I mean? Spike Jones. Weird Al Yankovic. "Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fishheads?" Here in the States we have a DJ that has been playing funny, jokey music for years, Dr. Demento. Still at it, since the 1950s! I love it, myself.


    I saw DeRailroADEd, a documentary about crazy* American singer Larry Wildman Fischer who was befriended by the Fishheads guys (Barnes and Barnes) and Dr Demento. And WHO KNEW that Fishheads was written by Billy Mumy ???


    (*he was crazy now he's mentally ill)

  6. So, FergusTheBogeyman gets rightly sent off for Everton on Tuesday,

    while Paul Scharner the guy who threw the first punch gets away with it.


    Next night an untidy but not malicious tackle by Damien Johnson gets a straight red and almost gifts Liverpool an undeserved win.


    Tsk to the Referees!

  7. Rohne, I don't agree with you about certain story elements being set in stone, and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong in bringing back of characters. As for those changes affecting the stories that have gone before,


    And i (my tuppence worth) belive that preexisting stories do change bu what comes after them.

    Like a paradigm shift, this is a long running series afterall.


    I tend to agree, but

    that's more a case of the Whole Big Story being changed.

    I'd also prefer for Kit not to return, but she could cross John's path again (just like sometimes happens in real life) with integrity.

    And you can still enjoy what has gone before, as Mark says.


    I am not sure I want the books (or the film for that matter) tied to the continuity, merely to the spirit and the character of the comic series.


    The Lucifer thing is surely not a problem.

    Mark's right that the original DC explanation is the one that makes more sense and the latter only comes from [over-used word]inuity freaks.

  8. Then again, I am very glad that it's a different devil than that one in Lucifer, and you know that as much as we're all happy to avoid continuity with other DC books there are enough vocal folks (oops, nearly wrote "fools" !) who want all their comics weaved into one self-integrated story.

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