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A. Heathen

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Posts posted by A. Heathen

  1. The only negative with the Constantine Movie is that It didn't hold up to it's Comic, And if tha's all the Negatives you can find, Then that really isn't saying anything.


    Now you *really* should have met Matadoor.


    Because reducing all the criticisms to a love of the comic is his game.

    There are a bunch of negatives, most of which have nothing to do with the comic and everything to do with the film-makers. One of the negatives, as you correctly point out, is that the film story is not as good as the comic story.


    In my opinion, I thought the movie was good, And it made me want to start purchasing HellBlazer Comics. Oh and, I don't need anybody telling me how much my Opinion Sucks, Or How much this movie was nothing like the Comic, I already know this. Whether it was like the Comic or Not, It was a good movie.


    It was a disappointing movie.

    In the event of a sequel, I expect these particular film makers to improve on the first one.


    No-one round here tells anyone that their opinion sucks.

    Stick around, read around the subject, feel free to join in the debate.

  2. it was cutted out because lawrence wanted a lone man.



    You should have been here when Matador was around.

    He'd have liked you.


    But to examine that "lone man" thing.


    He's a "lone man" with a team of assistants (including a kiddy sidekick) to do his bidding and die. How "lone" is that ?


    It is either flawed thinking to consider that casual sex with Ellie would not make him seem more "alone" or it is fudging the fact that the morality of Constanteen was totally messed up.

  3. I thought the Ellie deleted scenes were awesome, it sucked that she was editted out, but I understood why Francis did it tho, yet it still sucked, lol.


    I do not understand why she was edited out at all.

    I know why, but I don't understand it.


    Why? Because they wanted to remove any ambivalence that Constanteen had as an anti-hero. He's a bastard, but he doesn't fuck demons, oh no, that would be too ambiguous for the delicate christian sensibilities they were trying to woo to the film.

  4. Hey folks, if you are going to do a card, choose just one for a start, and let us know here, so we don't get everyone doing "The Fool" (come on admit it).


    Then post your work up as an attachment.


    As I came up with that stupid idea for The Tower, I'll bagsy that one.


    It should be a real collaboration so even you stick figure artists can have a go with photo shop (but be prepared to have to do another one if Tim Seelig somes along with a design ... Actually, if you've got time Tim, you could do all the sixteen court cards ;-) Or certainly the design for the backs.





    Oh this one is V. important.




  5. I've added the Demon note, and changed Death to Astra's Death, because it is quite pivotal. If there's further refinement needed, The Tower could be Ravenscar and Death could be Newcastle/Astra.

  6. Steve Bissette will be making a presentation of the history of horror comics at my local library on Wednesday the 6th.  Is there anything you lot would like me to ask him about Constantine, should I get the chance to schmooze with him after the presentation?


    How did this go?

  7. Don't kill me, please. It's just an opinion, maybe that's because I'm not a modern woman... :closedeyes:


    Tsk! It's modern women that have opinions !

    If you were not a modern woman you wouldn't have opinions.



    There's no shame in not liking Sin City.

    It's very stylised and very violent, two things that are not for everyone.


    I liked it a lot.

  8. Today I went to the NFT to see recordings of Robert Mitchum interviews.

    The first one being Parkinson from 1972.

    I always thought Parky had lost it but he was only slightly less obsequious back then.


    Mitchum was ace though.

    Mimicking all the people he worked with (a very good Michael Winner, a stunning Charles Laughton). Being generally nice about folks other than the law. Singing "Little Old Wine Drinker Me" :-)


    He pointed out that he didn't mind whether he put in his best work, to paraphrase him "as long as they are paying me for a great performance they'll get a great performance. Otherwise, I don't mind putting in an okay performance."


    The second interview was with Derek Malcolm from 1984, and much more of a film buff one, and yet Mitchum was more at ease (ten years later, of course, even more laid back than he ever was).


    An example of his wit, to Parky:

    "What kind of film would you make?"

    "Well there's the hero, and a great big gorilla comes up behind him and hits him on the head, and the hero goes 'Huhh?' and the gorilla hits him again and the hero goes 'Huhh?" again, and the gorilla carries on hitting him. Then we cut away to the heroine walking along a beautiful towards a door and then she knocks the door and a voice says 'Who is it?' but the writers haven't decided yet, so we cut back to the gorilla hitting the hero, again and again. Then the heroine turns up and she says, 'I know he's here somewhere, I can smell him'. And she sees the gorilla, collapsed through exhaustion and she finds the hero and picks him up and looks at the camera and says 'Well, I like him!' The end."

    Parky asks, "Do you think you'll make that film?"

    He replies, "I've made a hundred and three of them."


    He immediately goes on to talk about films where he played the gorilla, Night of the Hunter and Cape Fear. And points out that the original story of the latter has no hero and villain, but "the Hollywood machine" needs to have them so the film had to have them. Oh how we folks around here know all about Hollywood's need for heroes where there are none !

  9. Original idea was to get Rogan to find relevant scans and put it up on the site.

    But I would quite like to get all the artists around here to do a picture and look at producing an actual pack.


    Anyone want to pick a card to illustrate?

  10. (* means agreed without poll)


    0 The Fool = Young John Constantine (pre-Newcastle)

    *1 The Magician = Constantine (with Demon Constantine reversed?)

    *2 High Priestess = Zed

    3/4 Emperor/Empress = Swamp Thing & Abby Holland

    5 Hierophant = Rick the Vicar (9:2 over God)

    6 The Lovers = Ellie and Tali (we should try and place Kit, Zed, Dani & Angie somewhere ...)

    *7 The Chariot = Chas (as depicted by David Lloyd in the Secret Files, I reckon)

    8 Justice = Phantom Stranger (5:4 over D.I. Watford)

    9 The Hermit = Map (7:4 over God)

    10 Wheel of Fortune = Bone Abacus

    11 (SEE BELOW)

    12 The Hanged Man = Nergal

    13 Death = Astra's death (I think this is a choice of image over context, but it is a good image)

    14 Temperance = John & Golden Boy merging/balancing

    15 The Devil = First of the Fallen (8:5 over The Demon Constantine)

    16 The Tower = Newcastle AND Ravenscar.

    The image I have in mind is the entrance to the Casa Nova club with John entering, with the Tower above it, only when the card is reversed, we see mad John in a straight jacket at the "top" of the Tower, now the base of the card.

    *17 The Star = Astra (I know James nominated Mercury, but ...)

    *18 The Moon = Mercury

    *19 The Sun = Golden Boy

    *20 Judgement = Gabriel

    *21 The World = London (possibly with a role for Map if he loses out elsewhere)



    One undemocratic decision

    11 Strength/Lust = Chas, but I think it is debatable to have Chas twice in the Major Arcana and the Chariot is a given for him. So I exercise editorial power over this one and take Crowley's lust definition to add to the case for Constantine's lovers on this card. Given the effect of Kit's departure and the possible ending of the whole Angie thing, I say this is perfect. Zed/Dani/Kit/Angie



    The four suits come courtesy of Josh:

    Court cards (Jack, Queen, King, Ace)


    "The Wands could be cigarettes,"

    Cigarettes = bad for John = enemies: TBWNN aka "Not the Shadow Dog", Rosacarnis, King of the Vampires, The Demon Constantine.


    "the Cups, bar glasses containing bar drinks,"

    Drinks = make it easier for John = family & friends: Gemma, Cheryl, Brendan, Angie.


    "pentacles could maybe be pentagrams on various buildings or floors,"

    Pentacles = magicians: Josh Wright, Clarice, Crowley, God.


    "and I don't know what about swords, maybe a different weapon for each card, certainly including HB favorites like crowbars, shotguns, maybe the Ace of Winchesters could be the Ace of Swords...."

    Weapons = Harry Cooper & guns, SW Manor & whips & chains, Thomas & coat-hangers, Ace of Winchesters of course.

  11. I thought this issue was such a great improvement on the last one that I gave it nine (see John, you can never guess what I'll do).


    The speculation about how many loose ends will be dropped is quite funny.

    Because, you know they can all be dealt with in one issue.


    Fredericks AND The Beast With No Name were obviously manipulated by someone.


    If the story ends as I think, then John will have been manipulated too.

    From the very moment he returned to Cheryl's.

    I still think Angie's arrival could be engineered as part of this whole plan.


    And if his running headlong into Hell to rescue Cheryl suggests he's learned nothing from the whole Shadow Dog fiasco - REMEMBER, we've never had a period on the Hellblazer title where forty episodes have happened almost back to back in continuity, ie this has all happened without John having time to think.

    And having a bunch of memories removed from him into the bargain.


    Maria still looks likely to be the Constanteeny who turns out to be on John's side - her "but grandad's still alive" reads that way to me. Then again, I suspect Rosa knows Nergal Lives and she is in on the Cunning Plan.


    And yet I have a weird speculation that Demon Constantine and John have something cooked up. Or perhaps John and Angie.


    Back to this issue.

    The artwork is flawless.

    I don't completely share people's disappointment with Ellie's appearance.

    But that's subject to what happens next.


    She detected something that is more than just Nergal in John's body and that causes me to remind you of Spot The Clue with Zip Nolan. (Before everyone's time - it was a two or three page strip where clues were shown and at the end the detective told you what you'd missed.)


    I still don't know how this is going to end, but I am confident that at the end of Mike's run, you're just going to have to re-read the whole thing and realise that the clues are there. (Quite unlike Mr Azzarello's run for anyone contemplating that comparison.)

  12. Also, Tears is being a damn sight more civil about it, Fuji.


    The defining factors of "success" for Constanteen are (1) most people who saw it and had no interest in the comic seem to have liked it (2) it made double what it cost to make (3) it's tailor-made for sequels - how else would we have over 200 monthly issues ?


    We Hellblazer readers may not like it, and from the first film I'd suggest we are more likely to get comparisons with the Hellraiser sequels, but the film has already been successful enough for a sequel. If Keanu wants one.


    And I'd rather see them use the sequel to correct a few of the more glaring mistakes they made - from the perspective of someone who wanted to see a Hellblazer film.

  13. Karen came home from Tescos with this DVD.

    Imagine my dismay !


    As I said, "You know how I feel about it ! And anyway, you didn't get the version with the free comic so I am taking it back !"


    I am going to go and exchange it for the Lemony Snickety one.

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