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Fire Griffin

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Posts posted by Fire Griffin

  1. You want to get into comicing?

    I've never heard that put in such a way before ;)


    I really want to get into musicing.


    - TB


    I am creative with the English language. Hooyeah.


    Comic stripping would have been a bit suggestive, would it?

  2. A push for simplier spelling...?


    Of course there will be less illiteracy if you lower the standards!


    Electronic shorthand lingo, while I can see a use for it for it because I can't write on a cellphone keypad for beans... when I ever, gives me a headache. I cannot tolerate it for a long time and it only tells me you're lazy because not only I have difficulty pronouncing things, I have difficulty with spelling, but I sure as hell try. I will scream if it becomes the accepted, proper norm.


    I have to snigger about people protesting the spelling bee.

  3. The brutal-ness of maintaining that monthly schedule can force you to cut corners in order to maintain getting the work turned around in time for publication. Hence, I believe Manco is indeed getting better but at any given time he may have to resort to cutting those corners. I'd love to see what he could be capable of with a Bi-monthly schedule OR an inker that could nail his ink style. Look at "All His Engines" for Chrissakes. It's genius. Imagine that quality monthly.


    Honestly, I admit that I want to get into comicing someday, but this is why I am very hesistant because already I am feeling this sort of pressure in my college art classes and was forced to go the cutting corners route in high school for an AP portfolio (they lean towards quantity over quality and I had the stupidity to squander over a year on one painting when 24 pieces are demanded in the three-two year period). Manco is wonderful, but as I've stated differently before, I can see where the pressure gets to him.


    I lot of your points, Mr. Bradstreet, I can understand, especially the looking back on old pieces bit. I know the feeling all too well.

  4. Help. Committing thread necromancy in three... two... one...










    Oh yeah, some redux:




    John did not get a special 50th birthday issue because we don't want to rub his age in, or he'll become all sad(der):



  5. Keet's fantastic at inking. I ain't, but in my attempts at inking, sakura microns are excellent pens. They come in several sizes (Keet likes .01, .005 is my favorite) and depending on the art store, different colors. I love the JCon one... I have a thing for wispy crazy ties and shadows. :3



  6. That and I like posting cheeze WIP... Like this:




    It looks better in person, I promise. :[ You can pretend it's John. Not tattered enough to be him.


    The reason there is a Hellblazer cover on my art stand is because I was referencing Lee Bermejo's fantastic work with clothing wrinkles because I am still bitching around with the coat. That and there is nothing special there yet so I didn't feel bothered to remove it. A little of the top is chopped off but there is also nothing there yet. I'm horrible.


    Oh yes, and I lost that alien colored pencil thing. I have no clue where it is! I've also had people steal my stuff before, both knowingly and unknowningly. :[


    These two I just threw out the window so they don't deserve to be propped up for their picture. The first I was trying to get used to the medium again so I just sclopped through it and the other I wanted to stress the human limbs but I drew the wolf too low... What a damn shame because I liked the concept: It was inspired by this inked little piece of a snarling wolf in a corner with a human hand instead of a paw, the rest in shadow... I'm going to revisit the idea and actually pull it off next time. The white "chibis" I threw in because I made dumb doodles in white conte that I had no idea would show up when I gave it a background tone.


    My friend told me this was so 70s.

    This ... ... ... *

  7. Save the bird! You can do it! I see screws, unscrew them to take the stick-piece out. My grandfather did that once and the bird survived. Put some bread and water, the bird shall be hungry!


    We once took in an injured bird that was hopping around our backyard (lots of outdoor cats so it would eventually be eaten if left alone, yay). Not only did it scream like a little banshee when picked up, it eventually died of starvation, even with the birdfeed and bread we had given it. I have no idea what went wrong.


    On a happier note, here are some fishies. We have a little red female named Freya, but these were taken before we got her.


    Where fishies used to live. They have a nice, big sectioned aquarium now:



    Eatface (because he eats and makes faces at me. Always. He's also the happiest fish, as you can see from his little bubble nest he has going. He's been rebuilding his nest since his relocation.):



    Conjob (yes, named after you know who because of his amazing fighting skills and ragged apperance. I rescued him from a biology lab involving betta fish in which students would provoke the fish to aggression, sometimes by putting two males in a large bowl together. His fins were frayed when I first got him and he has problems puffing out, and probably mental problems as far as fish go. He's been doing much better and has been swimming with his fins open, rather all ratty-looking and closed.):



    Amarant (Um, it was Keet's fault. It was all her fault! That and this guy is a grump bag as far as fish go.):



  8. I have a friend who has/is graduating from college this year as an art major, and this discussion has come up at least once in our conversations.


    I personally believe that an artist should prescribe to some sort of set of morals and/or ethics, especially in photography... Where that is, that is up to them -- I personally have a very strong disliking for those willing to step on anything for "strong" art, which I describe below. I have seen photographs of a man bleeding a cat to death in a tub, and then once it was dead, cut off the head and string it with a CD as some kind of gory "windchime." Was this art? I don't know the point behind it, whether it was for fetish purposes or artistic, but it was animal abuse and the guy was prosecuted. I think it's still on Ogrish... Maybe not. On that note, which the line might be a little clearer to see for some, anyone remember/has heard of this? Or perhaps this?


    While, to me, art is one's expression or idea, I think "strong art" goads a reaction and sometimes demonstrates a point, whether it be for the ego (ex. a demonstration of one's artistic mastery) or show some strength or shortcoming of society. I should read into the background of this exhibition, but I think the varied emotional responses from this topic alone shows interpretation and some very strong feelings enough.


    I don't think the crying children portraits are all that evil. Children do cry easily and one incident with a lollipop isn't that scarring. It's making them do it on a daily basis that disturbs me. I was a daycare kid, shuffled between several places both professional and run out of people's own homes, and I would see many parents drop their kiddo off. S/he would be perfectly quiet and content until realization comes that the parent is gone, and then the crying starts. I remember seeing it on a daily basis and now that I look back on it, the indifference sometimes shown to these children bothers me.


    I like the photography work done, though. The thumbnails make it look as if they were painted. The message behind them I am not too amazed with. It feels like more anti-Bush pandering to me, which Red explained better. I draw some strange and unusual things and I find the most I can "explain" about them is through picture title, as done here. A lot of ADD addled persons are not going to read through my several paragraphs of descriptive piddle.

  9. That's right: It IS seven issues. Oops.


    Anyway, I drove longer than I should have for a freaking issue of Hellblazer. One freaking issue of Hellblazer. I am crazy.


    I noticed the previews are more colorful than what will be put to page -- the shot of John's eyes I liked at the bottom of the page went from blue to dull, but chances are this has been discussed somewhere since I haven't been reading these topics as of late. I am still not impressed enough with the arc to comment on each issue individually.


    I liked some of the facial shots. I want to scan in a few. D:

  10. She's not an employee.

    She's a student trying to get some office experience.


    I see. Admittingly in that instance, I can't really blame her too much: Sort of reminds me of my job hunting ordeal -- one place is like "OH WE'LL CALL YOU SOMETIME THIS WEEK" (nothing, meaning I will come back and bother the manager) while another is "pester me and we'll get something." Which is kind of scary considering in the past I have indicated that I have no job experience whatsoever and normally turn in an application with the expectation of hearing nothing after.




    Hey asshole drivers:

    Turn signals exist for a reason---- USE THEM!



  11. well, well, well

    guess what?

    she didnt use the add function, she didnt even use any excel

    feature - except the borders


    Unless my memory is shot, you work at an office, right?


    How did she get hired then? She might be a trainee, but it would be in her interest to at least know the simple basics of what she will be working with. :|

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