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Fire Griffin

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Posts posted by Fire Griffin

  1. first time here,that sound you hear is the popping of my posting cherry.


    *clap!* Celebration!


    I'm another forumite happy with his work on the title, even if there is a noticable quality gap: between his more rushed work, his recent stuff, and All His Engines and Ward 24 (I still reread that issue every now and then just to oogle the art). I think he does his own inkwork, if it sometimes can get very "blocky" as he is trying to meet deadlines. He's fantastic when he has more time.

  2. I just got into a debate with this guy over donation vs. customer service. Not really pissed, as I see no reason to, but my opinion is in the minority and I am expecting a lot more flak. Yet again, I never did like mass multiplayer gaming bases -- I find them loud, demanding and inconsiderate.


    Don't say "Ragnarok Online." I fucking hate its player base oh so much. Especially the private server player base. I am never, ever getting involved with that bunch ever again. They're all selfish, self-serving addicts. It's the biggest waste of time I have ever bothered with.


    Just wondering:


    Would you consider a donation different from an actual purchase? Apparently, the UK and US's definition appears to differ, as I find a donation simply giving money to who or whatever without expectation or receiving anything rather than limited to a so-called tax deductable, or whatever, to a charity.


    Anything given from the donation is an incentive for you to give them their money, which in the case I am debating about the advantages you get in a free browser game, when the servers are currently in the shit because of overload.


    I think players are in no position to demand, but they have the right to complain, from the creators and really, they are no better than a free player. They have not paid for anything but instead, willingly given this company their money, which I have stated is a risk. They are not customers, I did not see a contract in any way, shape or form. The creators have little or no obligation as businessmen because they are donations, given money. Donation sounds like a softer word than "give us your money" don't you think?


    Gah. It's long and confusing, I'm sorry. Dissent and whatnot as you will. I was hoping for some interesting debate here. : D

  3. I came back to the comic store I had previously vowed to no longer purchase stuff from because of a tiff with the store owner that left me so angry (long story) and behold, they were sold out of Hellblazer on the first day it came in. What the hell. No wonder I stuck it on a goddamn pull list from them -- they're always out of Hellblazer!


    Wait, this is the end of the arc, isn't it? Meaning I am going to read all this holistically and see if I'll enjoy it better than I have been as singular issues?


    Wow, it's been months.

  4. My best feature happens to be my ability to pop in and out, like some kind of freakish ninja. Except when I trip over that goddamn couch over there. That hurts.


    Or it could be my horribly crude and random sense of humor. "Sense" of "humor."

  5. You're not missing much.


    I like to reread through a little Hellblazer every now and then, and I have had yet to really bother around with Azzarello's run.

  6. I like my Ts black, but it wouldnt do with your printing,

    would it? or could it?


    Also I'd like to give my friend but he would also like it in black

    any chance of that?


    I'd also like your T, Bonnie.

    And the T you gave me is fab -


    Sorry, was on vacation -- would have replied faster otherwise. :wacko:


    Anyway, if I read this right... I've said I have other colored inks other than black: Yellow and red. So... I can get that arranged, depending on the supplier.


    Not sure about selling these now though. D: They don't hold up too well under the wash unless you're nice to them.

  7. Yeah, guys. I'm an American... Canadian shipping I am kind of huh about. I just shipped a 5 lb box over to Keet and that was almost twenty bucks for the cheapest that wasn't 4-6 weeks... And they were asking for $16 -- two-three dollar difference, ugh.


    I'll ask around and see what I can do.

  8. See this topic.


    Sorry to spam. JMac couldn't make the other topic into a poll so... this'll have to do, pig.


    I'm shooting to sell about 20-30 of these. Prices are up in the air, because I'm still trying to see if there is enough interest before I go seeking out a shirt wholeseller around town. Keep in mind that these are silkscreened by hand, as in I align these, run'em over with a squeegee and touch them up with a toothpick if I didn't put down enough ink, and iron them to set the ink. None of them will look completely alike -- I'll try my damndest to get the best print possiblef for each one though. D:


    Shipping... I am going to need help with that. Any adepts like ACX at post office-fu willing to offer a hand if I do get these made?


    Colors so far are just olive and pink (for the ladies!), although I have different color inks (just red and yellow) for other shirt colors. It depends on the wholeseller I find.


    ... I hope that covered everything. :wacko:



    (Thanks guys, but I really did not like how my face turned out in those pictures, especially if it is going to be the first page in a thread rather than just a post lost in a zillion pages of an even bigger thread.


    Oh fine. I'm just overly self-conscious!)

  10. He looks old and messy and cranky and like something I'd find at the back of an alley taking a piss.


    Yep, looks like 50-something year old Constantine. His death by association aura has increased a bit.


    I approve!

  11. On that note, my folks have asked me if he was a stalker. O_o No, just calls me ... a lot for normal conversation. I thought he had something important to say, but most of the time, not really.


    I guess I need to be more direct then. I have indirectly to directly hinted to him that I am not relationship ready, and have hinted that I am somewhat antisocial and need space.

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