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Fire Griffin

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Posts posted by Fire Griffin

  1. I like the idea of him getting penis rabies and getting hit by a car.


    His daughter eating him makes me think of that one scene from Rocky Horror Picture Show where they're just casually eating Eddie and thinking nothing of it (as far as my memory goes).


    The ham sandwich thing went over my youngin' head.

  2. Those strawberries look pretty good. I never had tiny ones like those before, more or less seen them here. Hm!


    I'm pretty good at killing plants. I got it from my mother, who gardens and gardens and no matter how much she tries, they all like to bail out on her. She gardened in a little kiddie pool over the summer, and out of all the plants that made it through the fun that is pure Texas drought and heat, we got this little white thing that we thought was a cucumber but turned out to be a melon, but who knew. It tasted funny.

  3. First thing's first: I am a fanfic writer. Shun! No matter what I do, I still get story ideas in my head and write them out (in my head or on the keyboard, if I can get over feeling silly about it) and they seem to involve already existing characters. I'd gladly link you to samples of my writing for the curious but I know better than to post things that I consider unrefined/old or things that I will write a little on but will never touch again.


    That aside, while in a bad mood, an idea came to me last night: Seeing that killing John off for good in canon would lead to a universal collapse as we know it, I thought I could get away with a little series of short stories (since I still have project ADD) with different ways of putting him out. Strange or not (although strange is preferred). I'm in need of some inspiration and I've seen the lovely twisted minds here at work, and thus some more... interesting methods of putting our budding Hellgeezer six feet under.


    I thought about revising different plot points where John could have died, but I don't want to retell a story that has already been told well enough in its appropiate medium, but sure, I can write humorously. I admit I have a few ideas of what I can do there.


    And besides, it might make for interesting discussion at that. Since this is not going to be the looming canonical big one, go nuts.


    So, anyone good at orchestrating a man's death?

  4. I think so, kinki.


    In that case, if I ever dared to take the damn thing out of the house, I'd chain the tower to some part of my body while I slept.

  5. I've been to a Quake convention before, because my folks really thought there would be some kind of substance to it outside of a giant room for people and their PCs.


    I've never seen so many people sleep under their computers.

  6. My money's on Cole kicking the bucket sometime during Mina's run, hopefully at the end of Empathy is the Enemy. He's been in John's proximity too long to have any hope of surviving, kind of like Ebola. With a trenchcoat.

  7. When storing people in your car trunk, you should always poke some airholes or tragedy will strike.


    Um, anyway, if you're still looking for the issues (they haven't been traded), I can provide. Nag me through PMs.



    Naw. Nuh-uh.


    Funny I've seen this sort of game at another forum I used to frequent more than I should have for my own good. *g*


    Sean Phillips 12

    William Simpson 7

    John Higgins 7 - 3 = 4

    Marcelo Frusin 13

    Leonardo Manco 15 + 2 = 17

  9. When I was just a wee tot on the internets, and you needed a noisy as fuck modem to do anything and when that noisy as fuck modem was trying to load a webpage, you'd find something to do, before adware and internet advertising, I found this strange website with all these... stories on it!


    I wasn't scarred by skimming over a text document about the Smurf sex though. I had no idea what was going on.


    Yay, youthful ignorance!


    (Oh yes, and Fraggles. They all don't have the underground option like Fraggles do.



  10. I think STH has always been like that. The tradition staggers on!


    I really want to be some kind of all-healfy-smelfy vegan chef, but because my previous cooking attempts have ended in horrible disaster, I've been sticking to microwave-fu. I usually substitute/exclude things from recipes for vegany reasons if I do get myself to cook, but that's probably why terrible tastebud tragedy strikes.

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