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Fire Griffin

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Posts posted by Fire Griffin

  1. when can u make them and how much do u want for 1?


    I am trying to figure that out. D: See how many people want one so I can see if I can save money on shirts on buying in bulk or whatever. Doesn't have to be this color either -- the original was olive but Keet said "PUT IT ON PINK!"


    I have yellow and red ink too, if I ever find a shirt supplier here.

  2. Awww, he looks like such a happy nutter. Too bad he scared the shit out of me when I was younger. I never liked clowns and the fact that he laughs (I forgot WHERE) like this evil-sounding doll I got when I was a kid did not help matters.


    *thumbs up!*

  3. Soup skins and ketchup skins are terrifying to eat, maybe because I have an aversion to things that mutate a bit when they get old.




    I have an unconditional hatred for paedophiles, which goes under the harming a kid deal, I think. It's one thing to harm something, but there is nothing that pisses me off more than someone hurting a kid in such a personal, emotionally scarring way for the sake of pleasure.

  4. There is a poll if you want to buy one of these... Click here!


    Not too long ago, just in time for upcoming A-kon, I decided to carry out an idea I had floating around in my head for awhile: Make a Hellblazer shirt for myself!


    After lots of frustration, trial and error, and almost 100 bucks out of my pocket, I have something:








    (I don't want to crack monitors, so the hidiousness was edited out. That and I think I look like crap on camera. Ho ho! Finally, it's supposed to be kind of hot pink but not really. The camera killed the color. Oh well.)


    This is the design: Here.


    Please, please thank The Keet for drawing John for this ordeal, not me! Originally, it was going to say "Bastards" but I thought it killed recognizability, which was the point in the first place, and I had second thoughts, so I had Hellblazers instead. The final design's text was faux bolded, so much of the slices are not there anymore. But seeing how I am still learning to silkscreen... chances are they are not going to show up as well anyway!


    Anyway, the question is, because this IS a silkscreening (you can see a part of the stencil in the third pic) meaning I can make a lot of these easily and quickly, and I would like to see if I can make, at the very least, a little money back (no income as of now), would you guys be interested?

  5. Yay, I got to see Pooka's adorable kitties on the other page -- sorry about the one that died.


    Lessee: I made... stuff I must topic when I get zeh peektures, you'll see, I'm being forum reclusive/lurky *Why not?*, and I am having friend problems, sort of.


    Suppose I should whine for some advice, I asked my friends and they gave me some stuff, like pieces, but it doesn't really patch it over well. Maybe you guys might have something:


    I recently caught up with an old high school buddy of mine that we used to normally talk on and off with, like, once in awhile. We had a long chat and I left to do some errands. Later on, because I wanted some advice on a project of mine and wanted to come back to my high school's art class since that day was a supplies gathering day, I receive a call from the high school buddy informing me on the teacher's behalf that she would be busy and didn't want me around. We then talked a bit and that was that. I was sort of amazed the teacher still had my number.


    Anyway, me and the HSB do some art stuff the next day. He did some really nice stuff for me, like when I told him about my cranky dinosaur computer that he'd throw some RAM my way he would never use again. I said he didn't have to, but he insisted until I said yes, fine. He was so eager to help me out with my project dealie as well, so on and so on. I have no problem returning the favor. We hung out and went to the movies the other day and had a blast.


    But he calls me everyday. Sometimes TWICE a day. He'd persistently call if I don't pick up.


    I like him, I really don't want to hurt him. My friends say I need to learn how to say no, but how do I tell him to tone it down without calling it off? He must be going through a blah point in his life, and I am not interested in a relationship... I'm uncomfortable with the idea. He's pretty understanding though, I suppose I just need to get honest with him, I think.


    Buh. I am going to go take pictures of my little project now.

  6. It could be worse -- he could have done stupid shit like this intentionally. Here, it sounds like a lapse of common sense. In either case, it's sad that the kid had to suffer for it.


    I hope the dryer had a label about not sticking live animals, kids, etc. in there.

  7. Now that I think about it -- you're right, it does! I think it's Hellblazer-related... the two in the top middle look a lot like Agony and Ecstasy.


    I don't think this is in the right topic now either. Apologies.

  8. I found this on Google Image search while looking for reference. No idea if this is the same guy -- might be? Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere. I'm a little behind on things.



  9. It's here that I realize I don't watch TV much anymore. If any.


    Yay American Idol woo.


    I would be a great muppet though. I could be the one that stands off to the side and nods and laughs like Ernie, but never really contributes anything to the skit.

  10. I feel like I'm looking at a cover for something pulp fictiony, just with more blood and less unicorns and dragons.


    Not that this is a bad thing either. It keeps with the spirit of the comic well.

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