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Posts posted by Jon

  1. here in argentina the rice throwing thing coralys was saying is a tradition.Also, in the big party after the church, there is this ritual in wich the closest friends and family of the ones getting married remove one of this(see picture since i dont know the english word for this) from the bride´s leg.




  2. Jack to Ana Lucia


    Jack:" How long would it take to train a small army"





    Ps: i know i am a bunch of episodes behind, but if they are going to start trainig to take the fight to the others its going to be sooooooo cool!!!

  3. Remember large boobs are more likely to hinder your athletic ability and cause back pain.


    That's right. And I should know.


    Me too. I can't really do any running or jumping without it hurting like hell.


    Mine constanly give me back pain, damn beer is giving me man boobs. Hmmm its worth it!!



    I feel your pain mick.I am having the same problem..but there´s not a chance i am giving up on beer!!!

  4. ok.more pre-crisis shit......if during morrison´s Jla, sandman (daniel) appears during one of the arcs, then john con lives in the same universe than the jla.The story is post crisis and i am pretty sure that sandman and john con do live in the same "universe".....right??

  5. not a chance..mainly because:


    A) I dont know how to play chess.


    B) by the time she is done telling me she doesnt play chess, i am so turned on i dont even care i she can play chess, write,read or even if she knows what her name is!!!!

  6. GOD...WHAT A BUNCH OF WANKERS....WHY CANT THEY JUST KEEP THINGS SIMPLE!!!........comics,you cant llive with them but you cant live without them :icon_frown:




    Ps: so when we talk about John constantine meeting batman, we asume that that happened in a different earth than today Hellblazer stories right?

  7. let me see if i get this......if i happen to read a...lets say batman comic from 1985, the things that happened in that issue actually happened in a diferent earth from the one i would read if i picked up an issue of batman from ...lets say, 1998???

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