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Posts posted by Chris

  1. I've been tutoring ANTH104 (Human Evolution and World Prehistory) at University.


    Man. Standing up there trying to educate a bunch of uninterested looking first-years. Its hard work man. I'm flailing around, pointing out areas on Hominid skull casts while they all sit there with blank looks on their faces.


    It feels like being Jim Carrey in a room full of people who don't like Jim Carrey.

  2. I agree with John about the continuity fuck-up. Otherwise I think it was a decent story, but I think it took too long to get there. Six issues of fucking around to get to the real meat. It would have been better if the FotF showed up and said "sorry, he's mine" instead of pretty much cutting and pasting the resolution of Dangerous Habits into a new context.


    I agree about the art though, I think it's the best John's looked since Sean Phillips was on the book.

  3. Omahyra as Arclight. That was especially hot!


    She looked like a dude. Part of me was wondering if it was Jaye Davidson.


    I thought the bit with the bridge was completely gratuitous. Oh, and give Angel something to do. He was in it for like, three scenes. You don't even see him in an X-Men uniform, but all the posters in the theatre show him in one.


    I should point out that nothing in that movie can be undone (Except for the death of Jean).


    We never saw Cyclops die, and we never actually saw Jean kill anyone that way. Xavier can come back, and with Magneto moving that piece in the park at the end, we can see that the cure may not, in fact be permanent. So Mystique, and Rogue can get their poweres back also.

  4. I agree with Abe.


    Plus, the movie was poor. The best bit in it was the final scene after the credits rolled.


    That's your whole sequel right there. I didn't think they'd be able to make another worthwhile X-Men movie until I saw that.

  5. I've been plugging away on my masters. I haven't been getting a lot done though. I've had to teach myself the basics of geology and I've been down at the extreme south of New Zealand checking out rock formations. It all contributes to my topic which is tracking the distribution of stone tools made by this rock around the South Island.

  6. Anchorman is one of those movies that gets funnier the more you watch it. Its probably the best of all of those "frat pack" movies.


    Has anyone watched the "Lost Movie" feature on the double disc DVD? Its worth a look for anyone who liked Anchorman.


    Great Odin's Raven!

  7. I'm completely stumped as to what's going to happen in the new Flash series, I remember reading somewhere that they were going to call it "Jay Garrick: The Fastest Man Alive." or something. I was starting to thing that was purposeful misdirection. There's Jay Garrick and another Flash on that final splash page of Crisis #7. I thought Bart would be the new Flash and the speed force would come back somehow.


    But then at the end of the latest Outsiders:


    the speedster messing up the team is revealed to be be a younger Jay Garrick.


    Even more confusing.


    Preferably I'd like Wally to bust back into the DCU bringing the Speedforce with him - even if it is returning everything to the status quo.


    Anyway. I can't wait to see the new Flash series.






    (I think the Martian Manhunter's new costume looks dorky.)

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