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Posts posted by Chris

  1. "One Small Break" back in Peter Parker: Spider-Man was awesome.


    I think you've said that somewhere before, right Christian?


    Anyway, I agree completely and wholeheartedly. Which is a hard thing to do when Christian is involved.

  2. I'd read Wolverine: Origins if it was written by Paul Jenkins.


    I've read some of Way's stuff before and its not that bad, but there's nothing in his Wolverine stuff.


    I wouldn't knock back Ramos's stuff though, cartoon art could also mean cartoon violence.


    God I miss Garth Ennis's cartoon-violence Punisher.

  3. Fuck man, what injuries could hold Tony back when there's revenge to be done?


    I remember he was still getting it done on crutches way back in Series 1 after Jack busted up his leg.


    If they ever did the unthinkable, and killed off Jack, I could totally watch a series with Tony as the main protagonist.

  4. I've gotta say, Chloe is bearable now, but way back in the third series, me and my flatmates were praying for her to be killed by a falling roof tile.


    I've seen the first four episodes of Day 5, and while I still love it, I'm a little disapointed that everyone found out about Jack so quick.


    Also, I hope Tony comes out of surgery and starts kicking ass soon.

  5. He was rather good, wasn't he. Its a bid odd that they've killed him and ressurrected him with NEW POWERS, when Paul Jenkins pretty much did the same thing near the end of Spectacular Spider-Man. Are they just ret-conning that?


    It annoyed me that Paul Jenkins wasn't part of the larger Spider-Man direction it was like he and JMS didn't even try to make their titles sync up.


    They should have let him control the direction Spidey was going in, and I don't think they give him enough credit at Marvel. I'm sure he could have made something more credible than that "The Other" bollocks.


    Mayhaps its time for him to go over to DC?

  6. They seriously didn't need 12 issues to spin out that "Other" storyline.


    Reginald Hudlin's bit was terrible, as was his stint on Marvel Knights Spider-Man. I get the impression that that title has really collapsed from the idea Mark Millar had of having revolving creative teams every twelve issues. Especially now that they're changing it to Sensational Spider-Man. They need to stop starting and then stopping Spider-Man titles and just stick with it. They could have continued Spectacular after Paul Jenkins left.


    I don't think Straczinsky has brought anything worthwhile in his entire run of Amazing.


    Having said all of that, I'll probably continue to read it until it gets better. But I'll be damned if I pay for it.


    Babylon 5 is a big pile of shit!

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