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Posts posted by lady_constantine

  1. It didn't bother me that they directly made the point John is bi at all. It just seemed like it was done more placatively to a large portion of fans who were outraged about the show not overtly doing same. But it was Far from subtle. And it's fine they addressed it early on rather than alienate that same portion of fans.


    Christian, you still seem to have a problem with my earlier comments about the bisexuality controversy from the show when I've made it clear several times that my opinion has changed. I still disagree with the canon argument, but I never disagreed that he was bi. And I did a 180 regarding the dismissal of his sexuality for the show after someone made a point no one else had made prior to my coming around. They should have included his sexuality in the show and I'm glad they included it in the new book. But it wasn't subtle in the least.


    i think it's cool that they just put it out there really,the more mature thing to do.That and do they really wanna make the same mistake THREE times?


    1st mistake? The John/Zatanna/Nick Necro thing was bad writing.I'm gonna outright put it out there.The details were sketchy on it at best.It's kinda stated that Nick maybe tapped that before (heavily implied he did)...which,if he was banging both John and Zee,why was it so bad they banged each other ?This happens in poly relationships...not every kiss is a group kiss,and sex is not group orgy.Unless what,was John his bitch or somethin'? (Actually,if this was a BDSM type thing,John could've been his personal sub...though how would Zatanna be okay THAT unless the BOTH were his subs and he set rules...) BAD WRITING.


    [bUT the subtle implications that john is kinda sub would make since here...which ironically,the show pokes fun at)


    2nd Mistake,Constantine tv show John was practically asexual.I think what it was is that they were away of his bisexuality but didn't wanna touch it/were squeamish,like many of the writers.Here's what I have to say you can't ignore sexuality ,it's part of one'sidentity because it affects their actions.Key point I'm bi...and coming to realize (lately..sexuality is kinda fluid at times) i sexually prefer women and emotionally prefer men..it DOES affect how I react to both sexes on a daily basis (I will eye a nice rack from 2 blocks away,but won't bat an eye at a man unless he approaches me.I did however have more boyfriends than girlfriends )Now,this wouldn't apply to John on tv as the medium demands it to be portrayed visually somehow .


    Okay,so 3rd time's the charm I guess...Though damn...didn't expect to see John Constantine. cruisin' for d*ck in the first issue only to be cock-blocked by a creepy demon chick he use to bang .No really ,soon as she showed up I was thinking Cock-Block in bold letters.(That,and you KNOW Blythe looked like a man...only hips let us know it wasn't)


    [off topic now]The only real dislike I had was the way the panels were drawn depicting that interactive theatre to hell thing.The obvious sideview box thing looked to me like a story-board or something. Probably reaching,but I really did not like that.


    Also,would've loved the preview story to have been expanded. Punk!John is FTW.


    rant completed

    • Upvote 1
  2. I like the sexy Batman one; now that I've seen the reimagined character I think it fits


    i kinda do too...but i'm on the fence about it.


    the other one had that dark,mysterious aura, with the camera slant and ,the shadowy creature on the wall...


    but then the other one is just fun.


    the shadowy one would ,however,be more deceiving as to the nature of this particular story though...


    okay,rediculous sexy-batman cover it is!


    still,the other one was awesome...think i'm gonna go bang my head against something in frustration

  3. as for john's sexuality...the lgbt community got juice.it might be the only thing to save Hellblazer .period.It's a really odd ,very nitch thing and in a world where alternative sexuualities are becoming somewhat more accepted,making john into a mainstream bisexual MALE protagonist and not skirting around it like before could be the only thing to bring in people who aren't hellblazer fans,y'know,mainstream folks.they also should've worked that angle on screen.


    sides...i think some of you are unsettled about the idea of john looking to get pounded into some other dude's mattress...


    really,it was set up through hellblazer that you can ignore his sexuality...but he's clearly a raging queer now guys..but i loved the wallet theft.

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  4. prolly high az a kyte,yeah?.no really,last time i lit a cigarette wrong I was drunk too (i'm one of those wanderlust high/drunks.I startz roamin' an shit)


    but on a fun note,I love this cover because the colors are awsome,john's hair is fun and his eyes are pretty, and the fact it makes straight guys feel unsettled.(cuz he looks like he bang dudes here...no really,he does.nobody wants to say it,but it looks like the protagonist likes men.i mean,he's posed like one of those underwear models in a calven klein ad that a rare few women and a majority of gay men would swoon over).plus,i always liked the art on jojo's bizarre adventure minus the roid rage.

  5. This is an awesome idea!


    This one's pretty damn cynical,it's called 'whore'


    Eyes smeared black,lips bleed red

    I paint my face ,my soul is dead,

    Perfect hair,glossy smile to hide despair

    Put on the mini dress,put on the shoes

    I become nothing more than an object to use

    This is the curse of X.this is a woman's hex

    This is what we were made for

    I'm nothing but a man's whore

  6. damn...makes it look like he was her bitch...


    which means he was likely both her and nick's bitch...okay,well...???


    [i kid...or not.my queer senses tells me this was true,but don't feed the troll]


    ANYWAY.This is a no.Johnny's appeal was always that he looked like shit half the time.Sleep lines,stress marks,a tacky ass coat.Really,the only exercise he gets is everytime his arm goes up when he takes a drag off a cigarette.Really,he's skinny enough for Zatanna to be able to smack him around like he's her bitch without the magick (her combat skills pawn his; she could probably actually do this).Hell,with his smoking,I'm surprised he can run (demon blood).I always hated the muscular,idealized look.at john is suppose to be anti-idealized...plus when the hell did he get this tan?he's a brit for cryin' out loud and I know if he spent all his time in london/new york,he wouldn't be this color.


    Okay,I'm reachin' but I always thought this guy was some other bloke named John Constantine.that's how I feel about nu52 john

  7. Well, that's interesting (waves hand vaguely at a few previous posts). I thought it was clear that when Katie [ Spoiler : harvested demon skins and made them into costumes, she was doing something very wrong. And John was playing policeman, or gamekeeper, or something ].


    agreed.She definately had it coming.that was a pretty messed up scenario.can't even get mad at conjob for it

  8. It's the colouring that's annoying. The artist is good, but the bright colours make the book look cartoony.

    Something really needs to be done to find a middle ground. Dark and brooding doesn't fit this story, but the current colouring isn't working.


    I can't say I love the dialogue, but I'll wait to read the entire issue. A few lines are very awkward. The writer seems to make some beginner's writing mistakes.


    exactly.i was feeling the facial expressions and body language and all..there was something off i just couldn't put my finger on.the coloring.also,who's the writer?

  9. to minas defense, it was her debut in comics afaik. thats a pretty big handicap for writing a book, which specifically has such a snobby fanbase, that has been pampered by having the most prestigious authors in the industry on the book.


    i also really liked ellis' john. iirc correctly, i thought back then that that is john the way he is supposed to be at that point in his life.




    the age thing.that so much.i say that was a complaint during later points.what was okay at thirty is NOT okay at 50

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